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The original document (in Italian) is here
Taken from here
Venerable Brother,
health and Apostolic Blessing.
Since we are used to considering with particular satisfaction our Bergamaschi, who distinguish themselves in an exemplary way for their Christian life, with real displeasure we have learned some negative voices relating to certain popular motions that would have happened there. In truth, it is no wonder that the ” enemy», Having long envied the fertility of this field of the Lord, and carefully spying on the opportune moment to devastate it, took advantage of the crisis of these unfortunate times to sow the weeds on such fruitful soil. But since the bad seed, once it has taken root, can choke the good wheat over time, we value our strict duty – since the Lord has entrusted to us the care of the whole mystical field – to work with all our strength because it does not have to develop. We therefore address you, Venerable Brother, with this letter, not because we doubt your zeal, of which you have already given valid testimony in this regard, but because we consider it appropriate to exhort the beloved children, your medium, to remain faithful to your duty;
First of all we want everyone to know that We warmly approve what you have done, Venerable Brother, when, after the war, when everyone returned to the usual jobs, meeting new needs, with the collaboration of the Diocesan Council, you have set up a special Labor Office to cater to the needs of the various categories of workers. Really excellent and very useful institution if its functioning is regulated according to the dictates of religion; otherwise we know unfortunately which and how many disorders it can cause to society. It is therefore necessary that the managers of this Office, which has such close connection with the common good, always have before their eyes and scrupulously observe the principles of social science inculcated by the Holy See in the memorable Encyclical “ Rerum Novarum or Of the new things» And in other documents. Remember especially these fundamental points: in this short mortal life, subject to all evils, no one is given to be truly happy, since true, perfect, eternal happiness awaits us only in heaven, as a reward to those who have lived well; up there, therefore, whatever we do, it must strive for all our actions; therefore, rather than being jealous of our rights, we must be considerate of fulfilling our duties; on the other hand, we are allowed to improve our condition in this mortal life and obtain greater well-being, but for the common good, nothing is more beneficial than harmony and harmony among all social classes: it is the maximum advocate of this Christian charity.
So see how the workers’ interests would hurt those who, having plans to improve the conditions, they only lent themselves to help him in the purchase of these fallen goods, and not only neglected to temper his aspirations with the reference to Christian duties, but they endeavored to incite him more and more against the rich with that ceremony of language that is usually used by our opponents to excite the crowds to the social revolution. To remedy such a serious danger, it will be your care, Venerable Brother, to make present, as you already do, to those who dedicate themselves to patronizing the cause of the workers they do, being careful not to use the intemperance of language proper to the “socialists”, they must explain an action and propaganda all pervaded by a Christian spirit; without this they will be very harmful, certainly not beneficial. However, we hope that everyone will want to be obsequious; and if someone refuses to obey, you will certainly remove him from the assignment.
Moreover, it is natural that this Christian elevation of the humble should be more widely shared by those who have been provided with greater means by Providence. So those who are higher in social position or culture, do not refuse to help the worker with the council, with authority and with the word, especially promoting those works that have been providentially instituted to his advantage. Those who are then supplied with makeshift goods do not want to regulate their interests with the proletariat according to strict law, but rather according to fairness. Indeed we warmly urge them to use even greater indulgence in this, by making the widest and most liberal concessions they can. Here what the Apostle says to Timothy: To the rich of this world … he recommends being ready to give, to be generous"[1]. In this way they will gain the soul of the poor, who had antagonized them by considering them too attached to money.
Therefore the less well-off and those in a lower position are well penetrated by this truth, that the distinction of the social classes comes from nature, and therefore itself from the will of God, since ” He himself made the little and the great”[2]; and this is wonderfully beneficial to the good of individuals and society. They are therefore persuaded that however much they can improve their condition with their own activity and with the help of the good, it will still remain to them, as to all the others, not a little to suffer. Therefore, if they wish to operate as wise men, they will not endeavor to pursue unworkable utopias, and will bear the inevitable evils of this life in peace and fortitude, awaiting immortal goods.
Therefore we pray and beg the Bergamaschi, for their singular piety and devotion to this Apostolic See, not to be fooled by the flattery of those who with fallacious promises strive to wrest their faith from their hearts to encourage them to brutal violence and upheavals. The cause of justice and truth is not defended with violence or disorder, since these are weapons that first of all hurt those who use them.
It is therefore the duty of priests and especially of parish priests to vigorously oppose these extremely dangerous enemies of the Catholic faith and of society, fighting them together and compact under your guidance, Venerable Brother. Nobody must believe that this is extraneous to the sacred ministry, being an economic question, while it is precisely for this reason that the risk for the eternal salvation of souls is looming. They consider it one of their duties to devote themselves as much as possible to science and social action with study and hard work, and to help those who worthily work in our organizations together by any means. At the same time, they should try to teach their faithful attentively the norms of Christian life, warning them against the pitfalls of the "socialists". Also promoting economic improvement, always remembering what the Church recommends: "Let us go through temporal goods, so as not to lose the eternal ones."
In the meantime, we will not cease to invoke upon you all the gifts of divine goodness in favor of which and as a testimony of Our benevolence, we impart with great affection the Apostolic Blessing to you, Venerable Brother, to the clergy and to your people.
Given in Rome, at St. Peter’s, on 11 March 1920, in the sixth year of our pontificate.
Pope Benedict. 15
[ 1 ] I Tim ., VI, 17, 18.
[ 2 ] Sap ., VI, 8.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
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A brief commentary of the above:
Pope Warns: “We Need to Be Distrustful of Socialist Propaganda”
Taken from here.
![[Image: Pope-Warns-We-Need-to-Be-Distrustful-of-...aganda.jpg]](
The Pope was Benedict XV (1914-1922). He warned the faithful against the evils of socialism in a document issued exactly one hundred years ago this month on March 11, 1920.
The title says it all: “ Epistle Soliti Nos: On the Need to Beware of Socialist Propaganda.”1 Although a century old, Pope Benedict’s warning remains perfectly up to date. It seems appropriate to present a summary here.2
However, the facts that gave rise to this pontifical warning must first be told.
Ideal Culture Medium for Socialist and Communist Propaganda
The pontificate of Benedict XV (1914-1922) took place during one of the most troubled periods in history. There was the First World War, which the Pope called “the suicide of civilized Europe,” with all its horrors of death and destruction. The conflict was followed by a sinister procession of revolutions (notably the Bolshevik Revolution). The “Spanish flu,” one of the deadliest epidemics in human history, struck at this time.
The “chaos and dramatic change that had arisen from the ashes of devastated Europe — the fall of empires, the creation of new states, the seizure of Russia by communism”3 — created an ideal culture medium for the germination of socialist and communist propaganda: political and social unrest, economic crisis, unemployment, misery and hunger.
The Crisis in the Diocese of Bergamo
After the war, the Church sought to lessen the impact of the conflict by assisting ex-prisoners of war, tending wounded soldiers and delivering food to needy populations. The Church also set up centers to welcome and guide the hundreds of thousands of demobilized soldiers and aid their families.
Thus, Bishop Luigi Maria Marelli of Bergamo worked together with the Diocesan Council and created a Special Labor Office to meet these needs.
However, some Office directors lost sight of the supernatural character of their mission and limited themselves to helping workers materially. Worse yet, they let themselves be influenced by socialist rhetoric and revolutionary demagogy and began to foster class struggle.
Pope Benedict XV
Pope Benedict XV had his own experiences with socialists when he was Archbishop of Bologna for nearly seven years. The city had been a focal point of agitation on the Peninsula. Based on his experience, he felt obliged to intervene forcefully to nip the evil in the bud and prevent it from spreading.
Letter to the Bishop of Bergamo
Thus, on March 11, 1920, the Pope wrote the Bishop of Bergamo:
Quote:“Accustomed to consider our Bergamo citizens with particular pleasure because they stand out for their Christian life in an exemplary way, it was with real alarm that we became aware of some negative rumors related to incidents of popular unrest said to have occurred there.”
This agitation, Benedict XV continues, is not spontaneous but the work of the “enemy,” who is looking for the right moment to “take advantage of the crisis of these unfortunate times to sow evil weeds in such fruitful soil.”
Given that bad seed, once taken root, can eventually stifle the good grain, “we deem it our strict duty … to commit ourselves with all our strength to prevent it from developing.”
Desiring that the measures taken by the bishop be obeyed in earnest, the Pope assures the bishop that “our authority is supporting yours.”
After warmly approving the creation of the Office to assist unemployed workers returning from the war, the Pontiff warns:
Quote:“This [Office] is an excellent and most useful institution if it functions according to the dictates of religion. If not, however, we unfortunately know the many disorders that it can bring upon society.”
He continues:
“Therefore, the directors of this Office, who work so closely for the common good, need to always keep in mind and scrupulously observe the principles of social science imparted by the Holy See in the memorable Encyclical Rerum Novarum and other documents.”
Pope Benedict XV exhorts them to recall the following fundamental points:
- No one receives the gift of being truly happy in this short mortal life because true, perfect and eternal happiness awaits us only in heaven as a reward for those who lived well.
- Thus, all our actions must aim toward this goal.
- Instead of being so zealous of our rights, we must also consider fulfilling our duties.
- While we can improve our living conditions in this mortal life and obtain greater well-being, nothing is more beneficial for the common good than harmony and concord between all social classes, achieved with Christian charity.
Those Who Set the Poor Against the Rich Harm the Interests of Workers
Benedict warns the Office’s directors to avoid acrimonious language like that used by “our adversaries,” the socialists, who play the poor against the rich. In so doing, they harm, not help, the interests of workers.
Quote:“See, therefore, how harmful it is to the workers’ interests when those who strive to improve workers’ conditions are willing to help them only to obtain passing goods. Thus, they neglect not only to moderate their aspirations by appealing to Christian duties but increasingly incite them against the rich with the acrimonious language that our adversaries normally employ to incite the crowds to social revolution.”
Avoid the Intemperate Language Proper to Socialists
The Pope insists that Catholics avoid the intemperance of socialist jargon:
Quote:“To avoid such a serious danger, Venerable Brother, make sure to indicate, as you already do, that those who dedicate themselves to defending the workers’ cause should carefully avoid using the intemperate language of ‘socialists,’ and develop activities and promotions fully impregnated with the Christian spirit. If not, they can do a lot of harm, and certainly draw no benefit.”
He then orders that measures be taken against recalcitrants:
Quote:“We hope that everyone will be obedient, and if anyone refuses to obey, you will remove him from office without further ado.”
The Priests’ Duty to Combat These Enemies of the Catholic Faith and Society
Benedict XV categorically affirms that priests, and especially parish priests, cannot sit idly by in the face of socialist propaganda.
On the contrary, he says,
Quote:“It is, therefore, the duty of priests, and above all parish priests, to vigorously oppose these most dangerous enemies of the Catholic faith and society by uniting to fight them closely under your leadership, Venerable Brother.”
He then answers the objection that priests should not deal with temporal issues like socialism:
Quote:“No one should believe that this stand [against socialism] is something alien to the sacred ministry because it is an economic issue. Indeed, that is precisely why it poses an imminent risk for the eternal salvation of souls.”
Priests Must Guard the Faithful Against the Insidiousness of Socialists
Finally, Benedict XV orders priests to alert the faithful to the pitfalls of socialist propaganda:
Quote:“Thus, let them seek to accurately teach their faithful the norms of Christian life by putting them on guard against the insidiousness of ‘socialists.’ By promoting their economic improvement, they should always remind the faithful about that which the Church recommends: ‘Let us try and go through temporal goods so as not to lose the eternal ones.’”
Saint Joseph, heavenly Protector against the contagion of socialism
Pope Benedict XV complements these norms in a later document, in which he further condemns “socialism, the most bitter enemy of Christian principles.” He gives the faithful a Patron in the fight against socialism and communism: Saint Joseph.
On July 25, 1920, the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, he published the Motu Proprio Bonum Sane.
Saint Joseph, Heavenly Protector Against Socialism
In this new document, the Pope refers to his letter to the Bishop of Bergamo. After describing the advances of immorality and socialist propaganda, he proposes Saint Joseph as the heavenly Protector against the contagion of socialism:
Quote:“Thus, We see with real pain that public customs are now much more depraved and corrupt than before, and that, therefore, the so-called ‘social question’ has been exacerbated to the point of engendering a threat of irreparable ruins. Indeed, in the wishes and expectations of the most seditious, there has matured the advent of a certain universal republic … which is founded on the absolute equality of men and on the communion of goods, and in which there is no longer any distinction of nationality, does not recognize the authority of the father on the children, neither of the public power on the citizens, nor of God on the men gathered in civil consortium….
“We, therefore, most worried by the course of these events, when the occasion presented itself, did not fail to remind the children of the Church of their duty, as we did in a recent letter to the Bishop of Bergamo and the Bishops of the Veneto Region. And now for the same reason, that is to say, to remind the men … who earn their bread through work, to keep them immune from the contagion of socialism, the most bitter enemy of Christian principles, We with great solicitude propose to them in a special way Saint Joseph, that they may follow him as their special guide and honor him as their heavenly Patron.”4
Invoking Saint Joseph in the Fight Against Communism and Socialism
The month of March is traditionally dedicated to Saint Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary. He is a model father, husband, protector of the family and workers and Patron of the Church.
Socialism is one of the greatest enemies of the family, workers, and the Church: it is “the most bitter enemy of Christian principles.”
Therefore, nothing seems more fitting than to invoke Saint Joseph during the month of March as Patron in the fight against communism and socialism.
All should pray to him, especially to ask that today’s Catholics be “on guard against the insidiousness of socialists.”
Pius XI: “We Place the Fight Against Communism Under the Standard of Saint Joseph”
In his 1937 encyclical Divini Redemptoris, Pope Pius XI, Benedict XV’s successor, placed the Church’s action against communism, the most radical form of socialism, under the protection of Saint Joseph:
Quote:“To hasten the advent of that ‘peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ’ so ardently desired by all, We place the vast campaign of the Church against world Communism under the standard of Saint Joseph, her mighty Protector. He belongs to the working-class, and he bore the burdens of poverty for himself and the Holy Family, whose tender and vigilant head he was. To him was entrusted the Divine Child when Herod loosed his assassins against Him. In a life of faithful performance of everyday duties, he left an example for all those who must gain their bread by the toil of their hands. He won for himself the title of ‘The Just,’ serving thus as a living model of that Christian justice which should reign in social life.”5
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre