Australian Woman: Police Came To My Door And Took Me To COVID Quarantine Camp
Australian Woman: Police Came To My Door And Took Me To COVID Quarantine Camp, Told Me "You Have No Choice"

RCP | December 4, 2021

UNHERD: Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.

She’s just returned from a 14-day detention at Howard Springs, the 2000-capacity Covid camp outside Darwin to which regional Covid cases are transported by the authorities. In an exclusive interview with Freddie Sayers, she recounted her experiences.

Hodgson tells the story of uniformed police officers coming to her residence and taking her away:

Quote:HAYLEY HODGSON: The police officers blocked my driveway, I walked out and I said, "What's going on, are you guys testing me for COVID? What's happening?"

They said, "No, you're getting taken away, and you have no choice. You're going to Howard Springs. You either come with us now, and we'll put you in the back of the divvy van. Or you can have the choice to get a 'COVID cab.'"

So of course I chose the COVID cab. Because they said, "Well, if we're to take you, we're going to hand you a $5,000 fine."

So of course, I didn't want that to happen. So I just said, "Look, I don't consent to this. I don't understand why I can't just self-isolate at home, like a lot of other people are doing."

And they just said, "We've just been told from higher up where to take you. And that is all there is."

Full interview:

Protests in Melbourne:

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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