The Malice Matters: How “Conservative Catholics” Advance the Globalist Agenda
The Malice Matters: How “Conservative Catholics” Advance the Globalist Agenda

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Robert Morrison [emphasis mine] | May 17, 2022

Quote:“Our final end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution, the destruction forever of Catholicism and even of the Christian idea which, if left standing on the ruins of Rome, would be the resuscitation of Christianity later on. . . . The work which we have undertaken is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year. It may last many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies and the fight continues.” — Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita

Although Pope Pius IX attested to the veracity of the secret papers of the Alta Vendita in 1861, it was only with the Second Vatican Council, one hundred years later, that the Freemasonic plots began to yield tangible fruits in abundance. Even then, though, most of the world’s bishops had no idea that the Church’s enemies had breached its defenses.

In the decades following Vatican II, we have seen not only the increasingly disastrous fruits of the Council but also the damning admissions of its architects — those who had the greatest influence on Vatican II have told us unambiguously that they introduced novelties to change what the Church had always taught. The Freemasons had proclaimed their desire to fulfill the goal of the French Revolution in destroying the Catholic Church; after the Council, Cardinal Suenens triumphantly exclaimed that “Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church.”

With Fr. Charles Murr’s recent book, Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry, we now have even more evidence that the Freemasonic plots achieved their revolutionary objectives. As Fr. Murr describes, Archbishop Edouard Gagnon’s investigation of Freemasonry within the Church confirmed that the architect of the Novus Ordo Missae, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, was a Freemason. It also revealed that the man responsible for naming the world’s bishops from 1972 to 1984, Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, was a Freemason. What a great success for the Freemasons and tremendous tragedy for the Catholic Church!

Even before Fr. Murr’s book, we knew enough to realize that malicious, anti-Catholic groups had infiltrated the Church to harm it and Catholics. As such, no evaluation of the current crisis in the Church can make sense if we do not account for the tragic reality that many of the Church’s apparent leaders actually desire to destroy the Church. Indeed, we can formulate an accurate and concise picture of the current crisis in the Church by describing the progress of the Church’s enemies: for centuries the popes warned of the anti-Catholic, liberal errors of the French Revolution; through cunning persistence, the Freemasons managed to weaken the Church’s defenses enough to have those anti-Catholic ideas adopted in certain Vatican II documents, albeit with subtle formulations; and since Vatican II the progressives have implemented their anti-Catholic innovations, leading to the great evils, and disastrous fruits, of which the pre-Vatican II popes had warned.

How do Catholics respond to this malicious infiltration of the Church? In almost any field of human endeavors, it would be clear to those who loved an institution that had been sabotaged that they must try to undo the damage caused by the saboteurs once discovered. The true defenders of such an institution would of course exercise great prudence and care in attempting to reverse the damage, but obviously they would not feel compelled to respect the wicked designs of those who sought to destroy the institution they loved.

With the Covid tyranny, we are all living through a secular event with tragic similarities to the undermining of the Church. From the beginning it was clear that something “did not add up” — the putative cures never quite matched the reported disease. Over time, though, it became obvious that the purveyors of global Covid policy were malicious, as evident from their numerous half-truths and outright lies that all had the effect of diminishing overall health and imposing tyrannical controls over anyone who dared question their preposterous narrative. At that point, wise and benevolent leaders stopped listening to the “experts” and started following the advice of those who were interested in discovering and spreading truth. Oftentimes this meant doing exactly the opposite of what the “experts” were demanding. Meanwhile, malicious and/or brainwashed leaders continue to impose the completely disproven Covid measures, causing great harm to the poor people under their control.

If it is normal to try to reverse damage once it is discovered, why have Catholics allowed the anti-Catholic infiltrators of the Church to continue their damage even though we are now several decades into the post-Vatican II crisis? While it is true that “obedience” to the false shepherds is an important factor, we must also consider that “obedience” does not prevent, for instance, the overwhelming majority of nominal Catholics from disobeying Paul VI’s encyclical on contraception, Humanae Vitae. So false obedience is an important component of the problem, but there must be something else at play.

One may reasonably argue that the biggest problem in the Church since Vatican II is not obedience to the overt heretics with high positions in the Church but the influence of the army of “conservative Catholics” who insist on doing all they can to preserve Vatican II, setting aside reality and reason to protect their mistaken vision of the Church. We can see this because in ordinary circumstances conscientious Catholics would recognize that the adverse changes in the Church occurred precisely because Vatican II introduced the anti-Catholic ideas that popes had warned of for over one hundred years — this recognition would lead them to embrace unadulterated Catholic tradition, which provides the only foundation for opposing the malicious infiltrators. And if these Catholics of good will would fully embrace Catholic tradition, we would see far less damage in the Church and world. Instead, far too many sincere but misguided Catholics listen to the false narratives of “conservative Catholics.”

NB: As an example of 'conservative Catholics' - see Fr. Hewko's recent Sorrowful Heart of Mary newsletter, outlining the doctrinal compromises of Bishop Fellay's 2012 Doctrinal Declaration which accepts the Vatican II, the New Mass, and the New Code of Canon Law!

At least some of the ostensibly conservative defenders of Vatican II fall within the category of controlled opposition, who resemble the infiltrators cultivated by the Freemasons, as described in the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita:

Quote:“In order to reap profit at the home of each family, in order to give yourself the right of asylum at the domestic hearth, you ought to present yourself with all the appearance of a man grave and moral. Once your reputation is established in the colleges . . . in the universities, and in the seminaries — once that you shall have captivated the confidence of professors and students, so act that those are principally engaged in the ecclesiastical state should love to seek your conversation.”

Of course the enemies of the Church would seek to employ this same tactic today because it has proven to be tremendously effective in undermining actual Catholic belief. Once they have gained the trust and support of faithful Catholics, these wolves in sheep’s clothing steer their followers away from the beliefs and practices that could potentially reverse the damage in the Church.

Other conservative Catholics act with good will but mistakenly believe that the Church’s teachings on infallibility and indefectibility prevented any actual defect in Vatican II’s documents. Although they reach this conclusion on the basis of overbroad interpretations of the Church’s teachings on infallibility and indefectibility, they nonetheless correctly identify a source of immense confusion within the Church since Vatican II: how can the Church teach something different than what it has always taught on key matters of faith and morals? Would this not suggest the Holy Ghost had abandoned the Church? As discussed below, we can clearly see that the Holy Ghost has not abandoned the Church, but the dilemma remains.

While traditional Catholics resolve the dilemma (in part) by observing that the Council overtly refused to define anything new in a binding manner, conservative Catholics attempt to resolve it by denying or distorting both reality and the immutable nature of certain Catholic truths. Like the Covid “experts” who label as “science deniers” those who do not comprehend why ineffective and dangerous vaccines should be mandatory, the conservative Catholics defending Vatican II label as “schismatic” those who do not comprehend how immutable truth can become the opposite of what it once was. In both cases, common sense must surrender to uncritical adherence to the self-contradictory dictates of “experts” who rely on sophistry and slogans to obscure reality.

The devil always shows his tail, though, and we can see that the experts running the Great Reset are closely aligned with the experts who have implemented the great reset within the Church since Vatican II. This makes sense when we consider that the Freemasons did not undertake their attack on the Church as a mere pastime but in order to get the Church out of their way. Until Covid, most of us could only speculate on where the Freemasons and the globalists wanted to take humanity, but we now know through painful experience that they want to reduce, and tyrannically control, the world’s population. To do this, they need to overcome anyone who would rather die than cooperate with their diabolical plans.

The Freemasons and globalists know that faithful Catholics would indeed rather die than lead a life of sin. Even worse for the globalists, they know that Catholics are willing to make great sacrifices to bring the Catholic truth to other souls. From the standpoint of the globalists, as well as their leader, Satan, we can state the “Catholic problem” as follows: Catholicism proclaims that it is a logically coherent body of immutable and objective truth from God, which subordinates the desires of men to the commandments of God, compelling our assent under the pain of eternal damnation. Accordingly, it is no accident that the principle practical evils of Vatican II seek to counteract each aspect of this “problem”:

Logically Coherent. A body of belief that imposes challenging beliefs and practices cannot appeal to a large group of rational believers unless it is logically coherent. Actual Catholicism presents a set of beliefs that is logically coherent even though they are not self-evident. Conversely, Vatican II and the reforms that followed contradict established Catholic truth in fundamental ways, resulting in logical incoherence. Thus, although the Catholic religion appeared to become much easier to follow after Vatican II, vast numbers of Catholics (including priests) abandoned the Faith because it was no longer credible.

Immutable and Objective Truth from God. Related to its logical coherence, the Catholic Faith is immutable and objective — it does not change in fundamental ways to fit evolving conditions of humanity. According to the Council’s Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, though, the Faith should change to fit the times:

Quote:“Christ summons the Church to continual reformation as she sojourns here on earth. The Church is always in need of this, in so far as she is an institution of men here on earth. Thus if, in various times and circumstances, there have been deficiencies in moral conduct or in church discipline, or even in the way that church teaching has been formulated - to be carefully distinguished from the deposit of faith itself - these can and should be set right at the opportune moment.”

So much of Vatican II followed the “aggiornamento” (or “updating”) proclaimed by John XXIII at the beginning of the Council. But if the Faith changes to fit the times, why would Catholics today feel compelled to follow rules that may change tomorrow? When key aspects of the Faith are in a state of perpetual evolution, it is far less certain that a Catholic must risk his or her livelihood or comfort, let alone his or her life, to adhere to today’s “truths.” Moreover, by the very nature of the changes it introduced, Vatican II falsely taught many Catholics that truth was derived from the consensus of men rather than God. We see this even more clearly today in Francis’s Synod on Synodality, which is open to all “truths” other than God’s.

Subordinates the Desires of Men to the Commandments of God. Prior to Vatican II, Catholics understood that all men are called to follow God’s commandments, even when those commandments conflict with prevailing attitudes in society. Vatican II countered this not only with its emphasis of religious liberty and human dignity but by its entire orientation. Vatican II substituted a new focus on man for the Catholic focus on God, as Paul VI expressed in his closing address of the Council:

Quote:“The religion of the God who became man has met the religion (for such it is) of man who makes himself God. And what happened? Was there a clash, a battle, a condemnation? There could have been, but there was none. The old story of the Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the council. A feeling of boundless sympathy has permeated the whole of it. The attention of our council has been absorbed by the discovery of human needs (and these needs grow in proportion to the greatness which the son of the earth claims for himself). But we call upon those who term themselves modern humanists, and who have renounced the transcendent value of the highest realities, to give the council credit at least for one quality and to recognize our own new type of humanism: we, too, in fact, we more than any others, honor mankind.

Every single innovation introduced at the Council and perpetuated by its spirit in the subsequent decades has involved a turning away from God, toward man. Conservative defenders of Vatican II often get so lost in details (which they mistake) that they cannot see this strikingly obvious reorientation. Almost as if to avoid any confusion on the matter, the Freemason Bugnini designed the Novus Ordo so that the priest faces the congregation. The religion of Vatican II is the religion of man, not God.

The Freemasons and globalists understand that those who shift their focus from God to man will seldom be willing to sacrifice their bread and circuses, let alone their lives, to follow the commandments of God.

Compels Our Assent Under Pain of Eternal Damnation. If Catholicism consisted merely of some guidelines for good living, the globalists could easily coerce even faithful Catholics to abandon their beliefs in the face of tyranny. But actual Catholics know that their eternal salvation is at stake and so would rather die than live a life of sin. Vatican II overcame this both with intimations of universal salvation and with the more explicit embrace of non-Catholic religions. If all souls, or at least all Christians, are saved, obviously there is no need to adhere to rigid Catholic teaching.

Whether they intend to or not, the conservative Catholics who support Vatican II and its initiatives perpetuate these toxic deviations from actual Catholic belief and practice. As a result, many souls who would otherwise turn to authentic Catholic tradition are led to accept compromises that lead them into dangerous error and prevent them from effectively countering the anti-Catholic globalism attacking the Church and world today.

Conservative Catholics of good will (as opposed those who are controlled opposition) may think that the Holy Ghost would never permit a situation in which a “pastoral Council” would promulgate such anti-Catholic errors, but their pertinacious denial of reality is a far worse problem than the one they seek to avoid. As Fr. Alvaro Calderon wrote in his Prometheus; The Religion of Man, the “Holy Spirit does not always prevent the necessary consequences of our negligence.” How is it not blasphemous to argue that the Holy Ghost guided the Council as it undermined immutable Catholic truth?

Instead, it is far more reasonable to believe that the protection of the Holy Ghost regarding Vatican II consists in the exceptionally clear indications that the architects deliberately avoided invoking the protections of the Holy Ghost, worked with an overt malice that is completely inimical to the Faith, and produced hideous fruits that we must avoid. Thus the conservative Catholics thwart the protections of the Holy Ghost by trying to persuade others to ignore these obvious signs that Vatican II was orchestrated by the malicious enemies of the Church. God has not given individual bishops, priests, or laity the authority to remove the heretics from their high positions in the Church, but He has given faithful Catholics the rights and duties to fight the anti-Catholic errors of Vatican II that allow those heretics to hijack the Church to serve the globalist agenda.

Francis made it clear with his Traditiones Custodes that he sees those who oppose Vatican II as the greatest enemies of his plans for the Church, which correspond with the globalists’ malicious plans for the world. As such, the globalists can count today’s conservative Catholics among their most valuable tools in suppressing the truly Catholic response to the evils of the day [See the SSPX's pitiful response to the abortion-linked vaccines], which is the only response that can ever succeed. All Catholics of good will should recognize what these globalist demons want us to do, and then do the opposite. If we do that we will be the instruments of God’s ultimate victory over Satan and his Great Reset.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
A reminder ...
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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