Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies
      The most chilling aspect is the length and breadth of Sauron’s menacing influence despite never leaving the Dark Tower of Mordor, the entire world feels the malevolent presence of his watchful Eye. In some instances, he attempts to read the thoughts of the Wise, even the Elven Lady Galadriel. At other times he endeavours to win allies such as Saruman and corrupts the White Council, not to mention he destroys the unity of Gondor by instilling despair in the ruling Steward using the master Seeing Stone he captured, fooling or twisting the minds of those who dare to look into the other Stones that still exist. When Sauron does not attempt to influence anyone directly, his power is exerted through his minions who carry out his wicked designs. Fell creatures of his own twisted breeding programs such orcs and trolls, and evil men under his dominion, especially the Nazgûl Witch-Kings, hasten to carry out his commands. He himself remains secreted away and lays a rule of silence on his servants, never allowing them to say or even spell his name except for the Lieutenant of the Tower, a fallen member of the Númenorean race adept in the dark arts who is given the dubious honour of being “the Mouth of Sauron”. A miserable creature named Gollum who has become decrepit on account of the One Ring is one of the few who have seen the Dark Lord and declares he still has a powerful ‘Black Hand’ missing one finger, but never once do we see Sauron as he truly is, only in the guise of his diabolical trait as the Evil Eye. It is his chosen Sign and his minions bear a Red Eye on their shields and helmets. The Dark Lord remains a hidden entity of maliciousness lusting after power and the ultimate control of Middle Earth.
     Who or what could have inspired this new and dreadful revelation of Lord Sauron as the All-Seeing Eye? If Tolkien also based his characters on Catholic prophecies concerning the appearance of the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pontiff, it stands to reason he would also fashion the Dark Lord on the enemies of both Kingdom and Church denounced in these revelations. Hence, we need look no further than the Eye of Providence appropriated by Freemasonry and similar secret sects.

     All of the prophecies tells of great heresies and the global relaxation of morals spread by the enemies of God before the coming of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff: several mystics clearly state Freemasonry and other associated secret orders will be the prime instigators of this dark period. The mystic Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich revealed that the secret societies were the principle enemies that would relentlessly attempt to undermine the Church before the great renewal. Sister Jeanne Royer (1731-1798) also foretold that “... many precursors, false prophets and members of infernal secret societies, worshippers of Satan, shall impugn the most sacred dogmas and doctrines of our holy religion, shall persecute the faithful, shall commit abominable actions.”71 Marie-Julie Jahenny declared that before the chastisements, France would lose the faith, and the chief cause would be the evil influence of men working from the depths of the “lodges”.72 She also received a visitation from St. Michael the Archangel who declared that he himself would aid the arrival of the Great Monarch into France by destroying all the enemies of God, Freemasonry included; “I hold under my feet all the enemies of God and all that is of Freemasonry. I will exterminate them and the Justice of God will complete it and will crush them under the weight of His anger. Meanwhile, marching to France and on the borders of France, we will accomplish our duty.”73 The Church itself has also condemned Freemasonry, declaring all members are automatically excommunicated ipso facto. Pope Leo XIII, who saw Satan challenge Heaven and demanded a period of time to bring havoc on earth as mentioned earlier, also warned the faithful about the dangers of Freemasonry. No doubt Pope Leo recognised the esoteric guild as one of the tools that would be used during that predicted time.
     Why has Heaven and the Church condemned Freemasonry? The answer is complex: in order to understand the centuries-old irreconcilable division between the secretive lodges and the Catholic Faith, we must first examine the known history of the early stonemason guilds together with the formation of the liberal arts and the philosophical mysticism of the medieval period.    
     In those times, the sum total of scholastic education and higher learning consisted of seven arts: grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. These academic branches of learning were held in the greatest esteem as they were sublime evidence mankind was more than an animal: humans were beings created by God with the ability to reason, and through these arts mankind could be ‘liberated’ from the base nature of the corporal body and attain wisdom, hence the term ‘liberal’ arts. An important scholar and philosopher named Boethius (c. AD 430-525) categorised the last four mathematical branches into what he called the quadrivium, setting them apart from the first three arts, which were later called the trivium. For Boethius, number was the ultimate means to understand and attain heavenly wisdom as numbers with their mathematical laws were steadfast and never changing just like the Creator, hence his focus on the quadrivium. Boethius’ categorisation of these liberal arts as ‘numerical’ philosophical disciplines greatly influenced the academic thought of medieval Europe. Every art was bound by the use of reason, hence the importance of understanding the laws that governed numbers and ratio, even music was studied as a mathematical discipline governing sound. In fact, Boethius considered music the highest form of mathematical science, enabling one to understand the cosmic music of the spheres, for it was believed every planetary body moved in unity and harmony to an unheard ‘music’ in the heavens. The corporal heavens were the last boundary between Creation and the Spiritual Heaven, and hence to understand this hidden wisdom of the cosmos would enable man to come closer to the Wisdom of his Heavenly Creator.

71 We Are Warned, p. 544.
Ibid. p. 331 August 22, 1882.
73 Ibid. St. Michael to Marie-Julie, September 29, 1878, p. 154.

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RE: Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies - by Elizabeth - 12-20-2020, 04:47 PM

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