Ratzinger and Hegel
The SiSiNoNo's 'They Think They've Won!' series, later republished by the SSPX, is but one example that adroitly highlights and exposes how pervasive Hegelian dialectics are found throughout the writings of the 'architects' of Modernism and Vatican II. Indeed, Hegel's name can be found 17 times throughout that one particular eight-part series. 

That great defender of the Faith, Fr. Garriou-Lagrange has this to say about the application of Hegel's dialectics: 

Quote:"Thus does this new Christology suppose that the material world has evolved towards the spirit, and the spiritual world has evolved naturally, so to speak, toward the supernatural order as well as towards the plenitude of Christ. Thus the Incarnation of the Word, the Mystical Body and the Universal Christ are to be understood as moments or stages of Evolution…This is all that remains of Christian Dogmas in that theory which seeks to destroy our Creed in the same measure that it favors Hegelian evolutionism" (La Nouvelle Theologie: ou va-t-elle?).

Also exposed in that series is how Hegelian logic created a flowering of the false ecumenism we see rampant everywhere, particularly in the writings of Urs von Balthasar: 

Only out of Hegel's "philosophical delirium," could the present-day ecumenical delirium be born. The truth is that with the above‑mentioned key in hand, it is now possible to discern and comprehend all of von Balthasar's enigmas as well as today's brand of ecumenism of which he is the "master" and "author." We also now see, in fact, why in the ecumenical dialogue "only one thing remains: we must rely on the various Church and theological structures and rivalries between them" (Figure et Oeuvre, p.417).

It is the necessary interplay of opposites which alone leads to synthesis:
Quote:"If this formula is to be taken to heart... we must rely... on rivalries," writes von Balthasar, "it will require much from those who struggle in a Christian way for catholicity: they should make it a point of attaching themselves [Catholics as well as non­ Catholics] to no particular system which a priori we would consider to be all encompassing, offering the widest perspective and leaving behind any opposing points of view" (ibid. quoted by Aunspruch auf Katholizitat, p.66).

This encompassing of all will only be attributed to the "Catholic" position, which will constitute the synthesis, and will not be attributed to any of the presently existing systems (including today's Catholic "system"), which are simply theses and antitheses destined to be overreached by utterly vanishing into a synthesis. [Think again about then-Pope Benedict XVI's theses and antitheses (the traditional Roman Rite of Mass vs. the Novus Ordo Rite) 'utterly vanishing into a synthesis' of a hybrid Mass - the groundwork for which was laid in Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum. - The Catacombs]

Of the "systems" presently in place, only two things are asked: on the one hand, in order to favor or facilitate the synthesis, "the slackening and thawing" of their own fixed stand regarding a point of view excluding opposite points of view; on the other, "competition," that is, the promotion of "rivalry" between systems, including those "anonymous forms of Christianity" (ibid. pp.69‑70). [Again here, a 'thawing' of rigidity when it comes to the Traditional Rite of Mass with a concomitant 'rivalry' with the Novus Ordo Mass... to enable a synthesis of a hybrid Mass. - The Catacombs]

In fact, what is known as the synthesis springs forth as a result of the interplay of opposites. All of this remains incomprehensible to Aristotelian‑Thomistic logic, which, unlike Hegelian logic, is the logic of common sense.

Now we are in a position to understand why the present day ecumenism (take Assisi for example) puts the various "religions" on an equal footing, while at the same time separating them ("we do not want anything to do with syncretism" ‑ and this is true.) This ecumenism exhorts Buddhists to be good Buddhists, Catholics to be good Catholics (according to the New Theology, of course!), Protestants to be good Protestants, etc.

Thus are "competition," the interplay of "rivalries," of contradictions and of oppositions deemed essential in that process leading to the Ecumenical Super‑Church, the "catholic" synthesis of all the world's religions wherein only the contradictions and oppositions will become obsolete and disappear. [Again we see the groundwork being laid for a One-World Religion through the application of Hegelian logic.  - The Catacombs]

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Ratzinger and Hegel - by Stone - 03-23-2021, 11:49 AM
RE: Ratzinger and Hegel - by Stone - 03-24-2021, 05:26 AM
RE: Ratzinger and Hegel - by Stone - 03-24-2021, 05:35 AM

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