Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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WAS Jesus Christ afraid of being laughed at?
- Sermon on Fasting.
WE must watch over our mind, our heart and our senses,
for these are the gates by which the devil enters in.
-  On Temptation (Sp.).
TO love God with our whole strength is to employ our
possessions, our health, and our talents in serving Him
and glorifying Him.  It is to refer all our actions to Him
as our last end.
-  Sermon on the Love of God (Sp.).
IT is God's Will that on Sunday's we should occupy ourselves
only with what has to do with His service and the salvation
of our soul.  By doing so, we draw down blessings on our
work during the week.
-  On the Sunday Mass (E.).
THOSE who love riches or pleasures offer God nothing but
the languid remains of a heart worn out in the service of the world.
-  On the Love of God (Sp.).
"AT the beginning of the day, I endeavor to unite myself closely
with Jesus Christ, and then I do the next thing, with the thought
of this union in mind," confessed the Cure d'Ars to the Abbe Dufour.
"From which I infer," adds the Abbe, "that his life was one long prayer."
- Interior Life of the Cure d'Ars (T.).

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LOVE for our neighbor consists of three things:  To desire
the greater to good of everyone; to do what good we can
when we can; to bear, excuse and hide others' faults.
- Sermon on Love for one's Neighbor.
ONE's everyday life ought to be both a preparation and a
thanksgiving for Communion.  By one Communion you
give more glory to God than if you gave away one hundred
thousand francs.
-  On Communion (C.).
WHEN we pray with attention and humility of mind and heart,
we quit the earth and rise to Heaven.  We reach the outstretched
arms of God.  We talk with the Angels and the Saints.
-  On Prayer (Sp.).
THE virtue of Obedience makes the will supple.  It gives the
power to conquer self, to overcome laziness, and to resist
temptations.  It inspires the courage with which to fulfill the
most difficult tasks.
-  Catechism on the Duty of Children (F.).
IF I may make use of such an expression, I compare those who
serve sometimes God, sometimes the World, as the case may be,
with dogs who answer to every whistle.
-  Sermon on the World.

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RE: Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-16-2021, 11:37 AM

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