My Daily Bread


Vanity in Daily Life

CHRIST: MY CHILD, vanity is another name for foolish expectation and for useless
pretense. Some people expect too much from the good things of this world. Others pretend
to be bigger than they really are and try to attract more attention than they deserve.

2. Vanity of vanities, and all is vanity for those who do not love Me, or refuse to follow My
commandments. Nothing is permanent under the sun. When you love anything for its own
sake, and not because it helps you do My Will, you are a victim of vanity. Death shall take
all these things away from you, and nothing will be left. How wise is the man who
appreciates this truth!

3. It is vanity to strive too intently for perishable riches and to fix your hopes on them. It is
vanity also to be over-eager for honors, or to consider your self better than others. It is
vanity to follow blindly the desires of the flesh and to want things which will bring a great
penalty later on.

4. It is vanity to wish for a long life while caring little about living a good life. It is vanity
to give your entire attention to the present life without thinking of the life which will come
later. It is vanity to love only what is speedily passing away, instead of fixing your heart on
Heaven the home of endless joy.


If the dead could relive their lives, how differently many of them would value things I Now
they know how foolish are many things for which they lived, and worked, and even sinned.
The good, however, now enjoy perfect joy and happiness with God in Heaven because they
refused to offend Him for any worldly comfort or glory. My life is my choice. Will I try to
please God in all things, or will I prefer some earthly satisfaction against His holy Will?


Lord, grant me heavenly wisdom, so that I may learn to seek You above everything else.
May I find You, enjoy Your presence in my life, and love You above everything else. Let
me understand all things according to their importance in Your eyes. Grant that I may
prudently avoid the flatterer and patiently bear with those who make my life more difficult.
It is great wisdom to fight the undue influence of human words and to keep my eyes on
Your holy law. In this way I shall go safely onward along the way that leads to eternal life,
unending happiness, and the only lasting success. Amen.



The Voice of Conscience

CHRIST: MY CHILD, refuse to do wrong for anything in the world. It is better to have the
whole world against you rather than have Me against you. Whoever loses Me, is losing
more than the entire world. Whatever you love on earth is but a reflection of My goodness.
If you fix your attention and interest only on worldly things or people, you will soon shut
Me out and lose My grace.

2. As soon as you become too interested in worldly pleasure and ease, your conscience
objects. You are your own worst enemy when you act against your conscience. The wrong
which you do becomes worse when you try to excuse yourself or justify your actions.

3. No man can safely enjoy life except the man whose conscience is clear. The wicked
never have true joy nor real interior peace. They may say that they have peace and that they
neither expect nor fear any harm from above Either they are lying or they are fools. My
justice will suddenly strike them and put an end to their deeds. They will think differently

4. A bad conscience is afraid and disturbed A good conscience has peace even in time of
hardship. The good man's glory lies in the testimony of a good conscience.

5. There is no true freedom nor profitable joy without a clear conscience and a holy fear of
all sin. Blessed is the man whose eyes are on Me and who keeps his earthly desires within
My law. A good life follows My wisdom and brings a deeper appreciation of this earthly

God made man intelligent enough to see that he should do what is right. And so the sinner
knows that he is a sinner. He knows that his life is not going well. If he wants to cling to
sins, he will try to excuse himself in some way, but he cannot fool himself for long. Either
he loses his peace of soul or he succeeds in dulling his conscience. The man with a dull
conscience will find distractions and interests in many things, but he has not the abiding
peace of those who live for Heaven.

Dear Lord, grant that I may never be insincere in my daily life. Let me always have the
strength, the courage and the loyalty to follow what is right. I do not want to choose any
temporary satisfaction or relief which is displeasing to You. Let me live for eternity by
always choosing what You want me to choose. May death never catch me by surprise. I
hope to live each hour of the day in loyalty to Your holy Will and at peace with You.

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My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-19-2021, 05:07 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - Book One - by Hildegard of Bingen - 02-14-2021, 04:16 PM
RE: My Daily Bread - by Hildegard of Bingen - 04-02-2021, 07:32 PM

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