"The Prophets and Our Times" by Fr. Culleton


Peace and Spread of Catholicism

     After the various wars and other disasters noted in the last chapter a good and great "lion monarch" will give the whole world peace and plenty. During his reign, which some say will last for approximately eight to ten years. the Church will make gains throughout the world. Christian fervor among both the clergy and the laity will be consoling. Priests will be esteemed as nobles. This great ruler will be called "a lion" because there will be a "rampant lion" on his shield (that is. a lion standing on bent hind legs with one foreleg raised above the other). He will have the sign of the cross on his breast and his flag will be emblazoned with a white lily.
     The Great Monarch will be of French descent (a Bourbon). He will have been an archduke. Some moderns would identify him with Archduke Otto of Hapsburg. The full name of the Archduke includes all the various names by which the Great Monarch has been called in private prophecy (Franz, Joseph, Otto, Antoine, Karl, Maximillian, Heinrich, Sixtus, Xavier, Felix, Renatus, Ludwig, Gaetan, Pius, Ignace, Prince of Hapsburg-Lorraine). Besides this. Otto is a Bourbon, a Catholic, and not a German1 as seems to be required by the seers. Such coincidents while interesting, need not be taken seriously. They have been noted in others who are now in eternity.
     Some say the Great Monarch will come from the east. others say from the west. This apparent discrepancy may readily be explained, for some apparently refer to his origin. others to the place of his exile previous to his assumption of power. I might note here that England in some way or other is to be instrumental in the original success of the Great Monarch.
     This Lion Monarch is to be a descendant of Pepin, Constantine, St. Louis, Francis I (of France) and Charlemagne. He will be greater than Alexander and more successful than Cyrus. He wil! be acknowledged as Emperor across the sea from Europe. He will begin his mission in the Iberian Peninsula. coming into power during the last year of the war (referred to in the preceding chapter). He will appear in the fourth year of the war. He, together with the Great Pope or Angelic Pastor. shall appear after socialism and a brief but terrible persecution of priests. but both of their reigns will cease before the reign of Anti-Christ.
     The selection of the true Pope. according to the prophets, will be: a) almost miraculous; b) soon after the terrible war and revolutions; c) the selectors will assemble under many difficulties; d) some prophets foretell the intervention of Saints Peter and Paul and angels (hence his name?); e) some say he will have temporal power over Rome itself; f) some say he will be a French pope; g) the Pope of unity and he will eradicate schisms and heresies.
     During the reign of the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pastor the Catholic Church will spread throughout the world, conversions will be innumerable, even many Jews will become Christians. The Blessed Virgin will be the chief one in gaining victory over all heresy and schism because of her power over the demons in the last ages of the world will be especially great. This will be recognized by her enthronement as "Mistress and Queen of Men's Hearts." The Great Pope will reign for approximately four years and will be followed by three other popes rich in wisdom and virtue, who will continue his great work. The successor to the Pastor Angelicus, according to one prophet, will be a Sabinian. The prophets mentioned that although the war pope would suffer much, beginning with his successor. the Popes hereafter will not be oppressed. Even the Pope chosen to rule at the beginning of the reign of Anti-Christ will not suffer. since he would die a sudden death by assassination before his coronation.
     The Great Pope, according to some, will be dressed in red. Whether the prophets refer to him as a cardinal before his election, or that he will change the papal garb from white to red, is not clear. (Note: this may symbolize his great devotion to the Holy Ghost.) In the former case it might be worthy to note that it has been only in comparatively recent years that the Pope is chosen from the ranks of cardinals. and the prophecy was written long before this rule was put into effect. This Angelic Pastor is called by the Monk of Padua, "Gregory XVII." The present Holy Father, although crowned on the feast of St. Gregory, chose the name Pius. Yet if there be no gaps in St. Malachy's list, Pius XII is the Angelic Pastor. The Paduan commentary on St. Malachy makes the pope chosen at the beginning of the reign of Anti-Christ Pius XII. However, the seers seem to destine him for assassination immediately after his selection so that he is not to rule the Church. This need not discredit the monk for other prophecies indicate that the Pastor Angelicus is rather a succession of three. four. or even five pontiffs. one to die in exile just before the era of peace. another (who could be Gregory XVII) who would replace an Anti-Pope. Two glorious successors and then the fifth would be the man chosen pope at the advent of Anti-Christ but destined to die before occupying his throne.
     Toward the end of the reign of the Great Monarch. because of wonderful inventions. etc., Christians will be living in peace and plenty. They will have very little work to do and therefore have much free time. This freedom and living in luxury. unfortunately, will be to their detriment. They will become lax in religious matters, many even refusing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, saying "it is unnecessary." At this time the precursor of Anti-Christ will gather these lax Christians to his cause (most of those having received Confirmation will not apostatize). Then will follow the terrible reign of Anti-Christ.

1 There are not wanting critics who claim that the prophecies which insist that the great monarch will be French and not German have been tampered with by Frenchmen.

Blessed Spirit, one with God above,
Thou Source of life and holy love.
O cheer us with Thy sacred beams,
Refresh us with Thy plenteous streams.

O may our lips confess Thy Name.
Our holy lives Thy praise proclaim;
With love divine our hearts inspire,
And fill us with Thy holy fire.

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RE: "The Prophets and Our Times" by Fr. Culleton - by Elizabeth - 02-14-2021, 03:21 PM

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