"The Prophets and Our Times" by Fr. Culleton


     The persecution of Christians has always been a sign that the Catholic. Church was the true church founded by Christ. However it is clearly stated in the prophecies that this persecution would be greatly intensified shortly before and during the reign of Anti-Christ. On this point we might. in passing, call the attention of our readers to the grave sufferings of Catholics during the last decade in Mexico. Spain. Germany. Russia and Poland. We would. however, expect to find more widespread persecution were it a sign of the latter ages.
     We are told that in the latter days three kings will rule in the world. Their reigns will be notable especially for their oppression. The Church will suffer much and it would seem from the prophecies that a great deal of this persecution is to be instigated by members of secret societies. This is often interpreted as a reference to Freemasonry, but we would likely not err if we added secret agents similar to those of certain national and international modern movements.
     During the days of the three kings the yoke of Christ's Church is cast aside and they will set up their own insignia instead of the cross. the sign of Christ. It is a strange coincidence that in our day such anti-christian movements as Communism. Nazism and the rest put up their symbols everywhere.
     On all sides blood is destined to flow. churches will be closed or desecrated. the celebration of church festivals forbidden. and the clergy banished from many lands. The tyrants and other hostile people will attack with bitter venom those who have been consecrated to God. robbing them of their meager possessions and subjecting them to most inhuman treatment. However. because of these persecutions. the clergy and religious will be forced to lead an apostolic life. Indeed it has been said by some prophets that so many of the clergy will be martyred that the Pope. forced to flee from Rome with his cardinals to seek sanctuary elsewhere. will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests. while one or other oracle ordains that the Pope is destined to suffer a cruel death in his exile. In the last year of his reign, it would seem, he is to be in exile, and apparently, for the last three months he will be subjected to cruel torture. Pope Pius X saw a successor of his. one bearing his name. as the Pope who would leave the Vatican and go into exile, and after about a year, suffer a cruel death.
     Other prophecies concerning this point tell us many of the clergy will have lost their zeal for God's work and will have forgotten their divinely appointed mission of saving souls. thinking rather of their own selfish interests. By these chastisements God will eventually bring them back to the true realization of their sacred duties.
     Regarding the great number of those who will give up their lives for Christ before the end of the world, there are references to a chalice half-filled with the blood of martyrs. which. before the end, will be filled to overflowing. Those holy souls who have already shed their blood for the Word of God must wait until the blood of their fellow martyrs has filled this chalice before they can rejoice in the resurrection of the body. To date there have been, it is estimated. over thirteen million martyrs for the faith of Christ. and it is the belief of some students of prophecy, that before the end of the world approximately the same number must suffer a like fate. In this regard, however, we may be pardoned for doubting that mathematics will be discernible.
In addition there are to be spiritual locusts who will burn and poison souls with false doctrines. These, however, will have no power to injure those who remain faithful to the graces received in Baptism and Confirmation. They will be permitted to harass and persecute without killing for a short time, but will be powerless to destroy the Church. At this time man will long for death, welcoming it as an escape from his many miseries, but death will be denied him.
     An old Saxon prophecy foretold that Spain would be split asunder by civil war, while another prophesied her glorious triumph over the enemies of God. This, no doubt, has already at least begun to come to pass. In 1534 it was foretold that the Jesuits would be driven out of Spain like dogs, but at a later date would return like nobles. This has occurred twice, the second time in conjunction with the recent civil troubles.
     Other oracles refer to a division of the German empire and the persecution of the Church of Christ by a German ruler. A great war was prophesied for Europe, following the secularization of Church property. The prophets also mention that the late Pope Pius XI was destined to suffer "terrible immolation from within and without"; from within, they no doubt meant. by excruciating physical sufferings, and from without. by the persecution of his many children in Mexico, Spain, Germany, etc.
     Finally, a bloody revolution has been foretold as coming upon the world during which time the Church of Christ is to suffer grievously, and her servants and leaders mocked, tortured and martyred. This revolution for a time (three months?) will triumph, but shortly thereafter a marvelous event will take place which will fill the world with astonishment. as well as save the faithful from further persecution. Likely this marvel will be darkness similar to the three days darkness often spoken of by the prophets. It would thus come first, at the conclusion of the world distress here noted, and as a sort of preview, then as a final occurrence at the end of the reign of Anti-Christ. However, the prophets foretell that this marvel will occur only after great changes in many kingdoms throughout the world.

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RE: "The Prophets and Our Times" by Fr. Culleton - by Elizabeth - 02-04-2021, 11:15 PM

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