Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador

Second Apparition of Our Lady

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On the morning of February 2, 1594, with a heart filled with bitterness and pain, Mother Mariana was praying prostrate to the ground in the upper choir of her Convent. She was beseeching Our Lord, through the intercession of His Blessed Mother, to stop these trials through which her beloved Convent was passing and for an end to the many sins being committed in the world. During this long penitential act, she perceived the presence of someone before her. Her heart was perturbed, but a sweet voice called her name. She rose rapidly and saw before her a most beautiful Lady, who carried the Child Jesus in her left arm and, in her right, a polished gold crosier adorned with precious stones of unearthly beauty.

With her heart filled with joy and happiness, she said: «Beautiful Lady, who art thou and what dost thou want? Dost thou not know that I am but a poor sister, filled with love for God, most surely, but also overflowing with pain and sorrow?». The Lady answered:
Quote:«I am Mary of Good Success, the Queen of Heaven and Earth. It is because you are a religious soul filled with love of God and His Mother that I am speaking to you now. I have come from the Heaven to console your afflicted heart. Your prayers, tears and penances are most pleasing to our celestial Father. The Holy Ghost Who consoles your spirit and sustains you in your tribulations formed, from three drops of the Blood of my Heart the most beautiful Child of mankind.

For nine months, I, Virgin and Mother, carried Him in my most pure womb. In the stable in Bethlehem, I gave birth to Him and lay Him to rest on the cold straw. As His Mother, I carry Him here, in my left arm, so that together we might restrain the hand of Divine Justice, which is always so ready to chastise this unfortunate and criminal world. In my right arm, I carry the crosier that you see, for I desire to govern this Convent as Abbess and Mother. Soon the Franciscan friars will no longer govern this Convent, which is why my patronage and protection are more necessary than ever, for this difficult trial will last for centuries.

With this separation, Satan will begin to try to destroy this work of God, making use of my ungrateful daughters. But he will not succeed, because I am the Queen of Victories and the Mother of Good Success, and it is under this invocation I desire to be known throughout time for the preservation of my Convent and its inhabitants. (…).Now, I desire to give you strength and encouragement. Do not allow suffering to discourage you. For you will live a long time on this earth for the glory of God and His Mother, who speaks to you now. My Most Holy Son desires to give you every type of suffering. And to infuse you with the valor that you will need, I take Him from my arms. Receive Him in your own. Hold Him to your weak and imperfect heart!».

The Most Holy Virgin placed the Divine Child in the arms of the happy religious, who embraced Him next to her heart and caressed Him fondly. As she did so, she felt within herself a strong desire to suffer.

The spirit of rebellion and of nonobservance of the Rule, turned against Mother Mariana. In 1595, the rebel Sisters opposed her reelection to Abbess, electing instead Mother Magdalene. Furthermore, aggravating their relationship with the Friars Minors, in 1598, they achieved the separation of the Convent from them and obtained the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Quito. The long period of time, ranging from 1599 to 1610, was the most dramatic and turbulent period for the Convent. Mother Mariana and the Founding Mother were slandered, humiliated, persecuted, tried and several times sent to prison.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador - by Stone - 02-02-2021, 10:23 AM
RE: Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador - by Stone - 02-02-2021, 10:55 AM

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