"The Prophets and Our Times" by Fr. Culleton

     One hesitates about printing a book like this; not because he has failed to make himself clear, but because despite the clarity many insist upon being so certain of the interpretation of oracles obscure in themselves that they work themselves into a depression of spirit. This is folly not only be-cause they consider certain. and immediately before them, a danger they may never encounter, but also because God's revelations are intended for the comfort and strength of the good. So true is this that if a private revelation which supposedly comes from God terrifies and weakens a good man he Il1USt either dismiss his interpretation of it or if his interpretation be correct then he must dismiss the revelation. In the case of the sinner God's words are intended for his conversion. He need not wonder then, if knowing he be in sin and chooses not to repent, should the words of God terrify him.
     To be more certain that the reader will clearly realize the difference between what Christians should believe and ,"That they may or may not believe, I recount here (based on Hermann: Institutiones Theologiae, vol. II, pg. 812 ss.) what seems to be the common teaching of approved theologians concerning Anti-Christ and the end of the world as illustrative of what we should believe. Then I will give a summary containing also what it seems to me Christian saints and sages add to this common teaching. As for these additions, the Christian is free to accept any of them or reject all.


     I. There shall be certain signs which precede the end of the world, of these vole may consider some remote and 
        others proximate:
          (a) Remote signs:
               1. The total abolition of the Roman Empire;
               2. The coming of Anti-Christ (though before him there shall be other anti-christs)
               3. The appearance on earth of two great prophets of the Lord;
               4. The preaching of the gospel in the whole world;
               5. The conversion of the Jews which would at least be begun by the two prophets;
               6. A general apostasy from the faith.
         The order in which these signs are to occur is not given.
           (b) Proximate signs:
               1. The sun, moon and stars shall be darkened:
               2. Stars shall fall upon the earth;
               3. There shall be other and grave commotions in the sky, air, sea and earth.
     II. There shall be the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the body, and the universal judgment.
     III. The world shall be reduced to ashes, or otherwise transformed by fire.

No one may dare assert as certain anything concerning the time for the consummation of the world and the second coming of Christ (Leo X in the 5th Lat. Council d. Matt. 24:3; I Cor. 13: 13; I Tim. 6: 14) .1

1 Pastor Kerr: The History of the Popes. vol. VIII. pg. 404.

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RE: "The Prophets and Our Times" by Fr. Culleton - by Elizabeth - 01-26-2021, 11:43 PM

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