Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - January 5, 2025
Transcript of Fr. Hewko's Sermon for January 5, 2025 - Feast of the Most Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ by The Catholic Trumpet:

Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
"Blessed Be His Holy Name!”

By: Father Hewko [slightly adapted]

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Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

The Epistle here in Chicago. The Epistle is taken from Acts of the Apostles, chapter 4: In those days Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said, “Rulers of the people and elders, if we are on trial today about a good work done to a crippled man, as to how this man has been cured, be it known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God has raised from the dead, even in this name does He stand here before you, sound. This is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

The Holy Gospel. From St. Luke, chapter 2: At that time, when eight days were fulfilled for the circumcision of the child, His name was called Jesus, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Thus are the words of the Holy Gospel.

By way of announcement, please pray for Father Finnegan, Terence Finnegan, who died about a week ago, a week and a half ago in Phoenix. He was ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre, who was an old-timer. And pray for his soul. He died well with all the sacraments and he's giving his chapel and his place in Phoenix over to an order of nuns, traditional nuns, who I think their apostolate is more taking care of the sick. So that's a very good thing. And as you know, in Phoenix, there's an old folks home now for priests for the Society of Saint Pius X. So I was able to visit Father Finnegan there a couple of visits ago. And some of the priests are there, Father Hunter, Father Gerard Hogan. I hear Father David Nichols is there too. So yes, the priests, the priests who are moving on, the priests are getting older. Many priests who were in my class were now 32 years priests, going on 33 years priests. So pray for all of them, pray for all the priests and Father Terence Finnegan.

Also tomorrow morning is the Feast of the Epiphany. This is a huge feast for the Church. It's the feast of the Visitation of the Three Kings to the Divine Child in Bethlehem. Mass will be here at 8.30 in the morning. Mass will be here at 8.30 tomorrow morning and it will be live-streamed for, pardon the camera in the middle of the place, but many people who don't have Mass, they follow Mass. And they send their guardian angel here to Mass. They make a spiritual communion. It's the best they can do when there's no Mass available. And they don't want to go to the New Mass. They don't want to go to the bogus Indult Mass. They don't want to go to compromised Masses of priests or groups that have compromised with Vatican II and the New Mass. And that's just the way it is.

And nobody asked any of these groups to compromise the Catholic faith. Nobody asked Fr. Bisig of the St. Peter's to accept the New Mass and Vatican II. Nobody asked the Campos Brazil, the priests of Archbishop de Castro Mayer, to betray him and our Lord and side with Vatican II and the New Mass. And now they say the New Mass. Nobody asked The Good Shepherd Institute to accept Vatican II and teach it in their seminaries. Nobody asked the Christ the King Institute to accept the New Mass and Vatican II and teach it in their seminaries. Nobody asked Bishop Fellay to accept Vatican II, the New Mass, as legitimately promulgated in the new Code of Canon Law.

And recently an article came out, a letter by Fr. Davide Pagliarani, who is the Superior General of The Society of St. Pius X, of the new conciliar one. And he's coming out saying everything is the same, “Semper Idem”. But how can that be truthful when they accepted in the Doctrinal Declaration, “We accept”, and they said it very loud and clear. It was a public document sent to the Pope: “We accept Vatican II enlightens tradition” and “Tradition enlightens Vatican II” and “they illuminate each other” and “enliven” and all this nonsense, “tradition lives tradition”, “living tradition” talk; “We accept the New Mass as legitimately promulgated and all the new sacraments”, which they're not. They are imposters! They are not true sacraments of the Catholic Church. They're imposters! And then all the rites were changed by Pope Paul VI and Bugnini. One of the last sacraments was the Sacrament of the Holy Orders in 1968. They changed that. And that's why many good priests and many good theologians say they're doubtful. They're doubtful at least. And while you play with the Sacraments, you are in danger of invalid Sacraments. And that's what's happened with the “new church”. And they cut off the source of grace with questionable priests.

That's why Archbishop Lefebvre very often ordained priests coming from the Novus Ordo, which the new SSPX no longer does. As a general rule, they no longer do it because they accept it as legitimately promulgated- all the new rite ordinations. And it's a very dangerous position they have taken, a new position - abandoning that of Archbishop Lefebvre.

So nobody asked Bishop Fellay to do this. Nobody. In fact, I wrote him many times. Many priests wrote him. Even Bishop Tissier, when he was alive, wrote him. The three [other] bishops of Archbishop Lefebvre wrote up Bishop Fellay: “Don't do this. This is a dead end. It's going to lead to the loss of faith. It's a betrayal to our founder, Archbishop Lefebvre. It's a betrayal to Christ the King.”

But men have free will. Popes and bishops have free will also. So nobody asked for this. Nobody asked for all the compromise with New Mass, New Mass miracles going on. Nobody asked for this. All we ask is the popes, the bishops, priests, the men, the leaders of the Catholic Church, do their duty, which is to hand down the Catholic faith unchanged, unmarred, unstained by modernism, unadapted, unmodernized. It doesn't need any perfection from man. The Holy Ghost has done a very good job chiseling and revealing all that we need to know to save our soul!

And the Mass, the most sacred treasure from Heaven, the Sacrifice of the Mass. The devil can't stand this Mass. That's why he has done everything to destroy it. And that's why we cannot accept that New Mass. And out of the mouth of Bugnini himself, he said, “Our work began in 1948 when we did the test run with the Paschal Vigil Mass. This was just to be a test run.” And Pius XII approved it. But it wasn't just the old Holy Saturday Vigil, traditional, put at the evening hour. They actually changed so much of it. I won't go through all that here. But just to say there was enough seeds of the Novus Ordo planted in it that got people bent towards accepting the Novus Ordo.

So Bugnini says, “We planned this in seven stages”- seven to 12 stages. But the main seven stages was the '55 changes and then the '62 changes, which is transitional to the New Mass. Then the '65 changes where they introduce English into the Mass. And then the '67 changes where they start experimenting with facing the people. And then in '69, of course, the full blast Novus Ordo Missal of Pope Paul VI, which is facing the people. And the text in all the texts of the New Mass, not one word called “soul”. They don't mention “the soul”, especially in the Requiem Mass for the Dead. They don't say, “the soul, pray for the soul”, no mention of Purgatory.

And, you know, we could go forever on the comparisons on the New Mass and the Old Mass. And the New Mass is a “bastard Mass”. It's exactly what Archbishop Lefebvre said, and he wasn't drinking when he said that. He was full sound theology, full sound thinking; “The New Mass is an illegitimate Mass. It's an imposter.

And I don't need to convince you, of course, you wouldn't even be here. But just to say, none of us asked, especially our bishops of Archbishop Lefebvre, none of us asked them to change and abandon the position of our founder, but they have. And that's why we're in this position of the Catholic resistance, which is a group of priests throughout the world.

We oppose this hijacking of our priestly Society of St. Pius X. And we just ask of our superiors, condemn the New [Mass], go back to the position of Archbishop Lefebvre. Condemn the New Mass like he did. Condemn Vatican II like he did. Condemn the New Code like he did. And take the position that he did.

So that's not happened yet. So we just fight on and we fight on. The bottom line is we're going to be fighting till the day we die. Good pope or not good pope, we're always going to be fighting the devil, the flesh, the world.

But in this crisis, we're going to be fighting for tradition until we get a good pope. When will that happen? God knows. Our Lady did say through Sister Lucia that, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”. The Pope will finally consecrate Russia properly. And there will be a period of peace for the world. And not the peace the way the world thinks it. It's the peace of the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. That His heart will be acknowledged by the modern governments. And the constitutions of the countries will put on the top of their chapters, Jesus Christ is King of this country.

So that period of peace, that period of the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary is promised. And maybe we won't live to see it. How many good traditional Catholics I've known? 32 years of priesthood, many great faithful, many good faithful- old, young, who have died and passed on in the battle. They died fighting for the faith.

They died holy deaths. And for us priests, we give many Extreme Unctions, many Viaticums, preparing many souls for death: final confessions, general confessions. How many have come on retreat and are no longer here? Think of Thelma. Thelma used to sit in her wheelchair on the top of the staircase. Thelma, the beautiful old lady. And she passed on fighting for the faith. And they've gone to their reward. And I'm sure their reward must be very great in heaven. To have preserved the Catholic faith and stayed faithful to Jesus Christ. And the works demanded by Jesus Christ of charity towards our neighbor and all that, the Commandments. Great must be their reward in heaven. When it's just so easy to go with the “new religion”, so easy to go with compromise, so easy to go now with [the] Indult and compromised groups. And, you know, one thing we Catholics got to get clear is it's not just all about “the Mass”, the Mass, the Mass. Because, as I say often, the schismatic Orthodox, the Byzantine Rite Orthodox and the Ukrainian Orthodox, they're schismatics. They really are schismatics. They reject the primacy of Peter as a principle. And you can't save your soul in those religions. Sorry, you just can't. They're false religions. They stole the Catholic sacraments. They stole the Catholic priesthood. They are the true schismatics. And their Mass is valid and their Mass is beautiful. I mean, if you go to a Catholic Eastern Rite Byzantine Mass, it's beautiful. And it's exactly the same as the Orthodox. The only difference is the Catholic ones pray for the Pope. That's the only difference. But the Mass is ancient and very beautiful.

But many, some traditional Catholics are going to the schismatic sect. They're tired of Novus Ordo. They're tired of all the Tridentine Mass [difficulties]- [the] difficulty to find mass. So they go Orthodox. And that's like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. [If] you and I go to the Orthodox. You're not going to save your soul. And they have nice priests. They have icons. They have beautiful liturgy, great incense, stunning vestments. But sorry, “they have the real mass but not the real faith”.

And that's what the Vendée Catholics said in the French Revolution: “Those priests who have signed the Oath of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy that was condemned by Pope Pius VI, they have the right mass but they have the wrong faith. And we're not going to that mass”. And the Catholics refused to go to those Masses. It's hard for us to stomach this. But they were really solid Catholics. They would not go. And relatives maybe and friends would tell them, “Why are you not going to Mass? It's Sunday. You have to sanctify the Lord's day. It's a Latin Mass. What's your problem?” “Yeah, but that priest signed the Oath.” “Yeah, but it's just a piece of paper. It's still the same Mass. It's a valid Mass. Why aren't you going?” “Because that priest has compromised on the Faith.” “Oh, you're too divisive. You're too political.” “No, I'm not. He has changed. He has compromised on the Faith. My family is not going”. And guess who one of those families were that would not go to a juring priest in the beautiful church with the beautiful altar, the beautiful vestments, and the same Latin Mass that's being said here, except the priest signed that oath.

One of those families was, among many other holy and good Catholic families, was the Curé d'Ars- St. John Vianney, the Vianney family. They chose not to go to Sunday Mass with the juring priest. They chose to go to Mass in the middle of the night in a barn at their neighbor's house. That's where St. John Vianney grew up, going to Mass on his mother's knee, Mass in candlelight with cows mooing, well chickens are quiet at night most of the time, and [the] smell of hay, [the] smell of probably cow manure. Not fun. Maybe cold in the winter, shivering cold. And since the persecution was hot and heavy, they couldn't light big bonfires.

And in Ireland, too, you know, those great priests and those great Catholic faithful, they wouldn't go to those compromised priests who went with the new religion of Anglicanism. They wouldn't go with it. So they had Mass in a very uncomfortable place called the Mass Rocks. I've seen one or two of them in Ireland, and one of them is kind of in a valley and lots of trees, and the rock where the priests used to have Mass is still there. It's kind of eroded and busted up a bit, but they would have had it built up for the Mass. And that's where they went to Mass. And same with Mexico. The people wouldn't go to those priests who sided with the Freemasonic government.

And let me add this. If you compare a priest today who sides with Vatican II and the New Mass and compromises with this, and a priest who signed the Oath of the French Revolution or the Anglican religion or any other schismatic right, the priests today who side with Vatican II and compromise with it in any way and the New Mass commit a graver sin against the Faith than any of the times before! Why? Because the Oath of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy of the French Revolution condemned by Pope Pius VI was a political question; It was advocating, accepting separation of church and state. And that the state can elect bishops, the state can determine dioceses and so forth. Which was more, you might say, it's more the political side of the Church teaching. But it's still heretical and wrong.

But still, if you compare a priest today who accepts the New Mass and Vatican II, it's far worse. Because by accepting Vatican II and the New Mass, you're accepting open heresies and a rite of the Mass that attacks Jesus Christ as King, as God, as the only Redeemer, as the eternal High Priest, and the one Bride of Christ, His Holy Catholic Church, outside of which there's no salvation.

As Saint Peter said today, in the Acts of the Apostles, in the Epistle, “There is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved”. We can't be saved in the name of Buddha, or Mohammed, or Allah, who's Lucifer. You can't be saved in the name of Joseph Smith, and Krishna, and Hinduism, and whatever. There's all kinds of word religions floating around. You just can't be saved in those. And only in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the true Jesus Christ, not the “protestantized” Jesus Christ, the “Uncle Jesus” with rainbows and balloons, and the Pope Francis twisting of our Catholic faith, saying that all religions are many paths to God. You know, people get on Pope Francis for that, and he's absolutely wrong in his heresy, but he's just repeating Vatican II. That's what Vatican II teaches. So John Paul II taught the same thing, and Paul VI.

So we need the right Faith, and the right Mass. And that's why Archbishop Lefebvre insisted [to] his sons, “Do not compromise with Rome. Do not accept any canonical agreement until Rome professes the Catholic faith, the reign of the heart of Jesus, the reign of Christ the King, and condemns Vatican II with its heresies and errors, and condemns the New Mass, and returns the Tridentine Mass to the Catholic altars”.

That has not happened. In fact, Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, he was quite a slippery snake. He was a shady character. He succeeded to persecute Catholic tradition more than any other pope, and he succeeded to seduce most traditional groups to accept Vatican II and the New Mass more than any other pope. So his damage is heavy, and that's why we're, you know, we're in 'Operation Survival' a hundred times over. And priests who don't want to go with these compromises, we are called “renegades”, we are called “political”, we are called “divisive”. Even Bishop Tissier, who in 2012 caught on that this whole movement was bad, and he gave a great sermon on the ordination day in June 2012, quoting Archbishop Lefebvre, “We must not make an agreement with Rome. Rome is in heresy. Rome is in darkness.”

And at the lunch, right after the meal, there's a big meal, of course, with the ordinations, and Bishop Tissier was at the table, and the District Superior at the time was Father Rostand, and he said in front of all the priests and bishops to Bishop Tissier, “Your sermon was divisive. Your sermon was divisive.” So if you stand for the truth, you're divisive.

Archbishop Lefebvre was called “divisive”, and “schismatic”, and “rebel”, and “renegade”, and “disobedient”. But who really kept the faith? Who was really obedient? Who was really preserving the treasure of the Catholic Church and the Mass? It was Archbishop Lefebvre. So those who don't compromise, they get all the mud thrown at them, which is just fine. We should be used to this. But woe to us if we ever compromise against the holy Catholic Faith and the true Mass by accepting in any way Vatican II and the New Mass and the new Code of Canon Law! And look at the fruits. Oh my goodness. Look at the fruits of Vatican II and the New Mass.

You people in Chicago, you knew a better, a very Catholic Chicago before Vatican II; Tons of churches, boys' schools taught by good priests, girls' schools taught by good and holy, dedicated, consecrated nuns. Even everything was affected by the Catholic faith here in Chicago. It wasn't a Catholic city as such, but Catholicism shined in it. And you even had a very holy priest who had the stigmata of Father McNamara, who worked miracles. It's through his intercession, Father Lawrence Novak was cured as a little baby and saved his life. And Padre Pio was heard to say from Americans who visited him, from Chicago, he said, “Why do you come and visit me here in Italy when you have such a holy priest and mystic Father McNamara in Chicago?” So anyway, the Faith was here, and it's all gone.

All these churches now are sold off, or if they're still Novus Ordo churches, they have a goofy ceremony going on. And you've got Cardinal Cupich, a communist, a socialist, a modernist, a destroyer, a wolf in wolf's clothing, because he doesn't even wear traditional vestments, so he's honest. He's an honest wolf. He shows his teeth. And he's a destroyer. Look what he's doing to this diocese. Poor soul.

What kind of judgment are these bishops going to face when our Lord shows them all the souls in hell because of them, their negligence, and their cowardice, and even on something so basic as condemning abortion. I mean, you don't need to be a Catholic to know that's evil.

It's against nature. A mother doesn't do that. And yet the bishops, even Pope Francis, and all these popes are silent. Well, Pope John Paul II did condemn abortion as evil, so that was at least something good out of him. But their silence on abortion is stunning. It's scandalous. Something so obviously evil.

So we cannot compromise the Catholic Faith. We cannot compromise the Catholic Faith, which means we can never accept Vatican II and the New Mass. And I know you hear this constantly. I mean, you must be sick of hearing this, but you better be. And you're going to hear a lot more of it because we need to be reminded because it's so easy to go with compromise today and so easy to slide on the Faith today: “I want my Latin Mass. I haven't had Mass in three months. Well, the Indult doesn't look so bad. The New SSPX doesn't look so bad. At least they say the Latin Mass.” I know it's tempting, but you need the right faith and the right Mass. And that's just the way it is.

If our Lord was here standing, our Divine Lord, if He was here for life, He would say, “I honor My Father. And I have taught everything given by My Father to say. I have taught everything to save your soul.” And that's all contained in Scripture and Tradition. And nobody has the right to change that. No Council of Vatican II, no Council of 2,500 Bishops, no Pope or five or seven Popes have the right to change the Catholic faith. They have no right to change this Mass, the Holy Sacrifice. They have no right to change the sacraments Christ instituted, which they did. And they have no right to change our Catechism.

And the “new religion” teaches a new theology, which is, “All religions are vehicles of the Holy Ghost”, quote unquote, Vatican II. “Catholics worship the same God as the Muslims”, quote unquote, Vatican II. “Jesus Christ is Redeemer, but the human person is above the state,”and “It is better if the state is neutral on matters of religion.” Condemned by the Church many times over, but taught at Vatican II. And just that alone, that one doctrine alone, uncrowns Christ the King.

That's why Archbishop Lefebvre wrote that great book, They Have Uncrowned Him. They Have Uncrowned Him. So let's venerate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, love the name of Jesus Christ. And in the New Mass, there is no veneration for His holy name. They treat it like goofiness. And in our modern world, there's a lot of blasphemy. The name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Saints. And in Catholic countries like Quebec and Spain, I understand people blaspheme the Holy Eucharist and the tabernacle and the chalice. They say these words in a cussing way. Which we're not used to in Protestant countries. But Catholic countries, when they blaspheme, they blaspheme these sacred things. So have a horror for blasphemy.

If you hear it in the public places, and it's loud and clear, and it's unmistakable a blasphemy, just say a little prayer. Blessed be the name of God forever. Blessed be the name of Jesus forever. Make reparation. And venerate the name of Jesus Christ. That's the beauty of the Tridentine Mass. Every time the name of Jesus is mentioned officially in the Mass, the priest bows his head. He actually turns and faces the tabernacle and bows. And if he's sitting at the sedilla at a High Mass, he removes the beretta at the name of Jesus Christ during the Gloria and the Credo.

So the Tridentine Mass teaches us this reverence towards God. The sacredness of the things of God. And everything about the Tridentine Mass. You know, people don't know that you have to be ordained a subdeacon to wash the linens for Mass. And when you wash them, they're washed three times. And that water is poured into the sacrarium, which goes straight into the ground. And then the linens can be washed in a normal wash. But they have to be purified three times. Because they touch the very Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ- that's the corporal, the purificator, the pall. Yeah, that's it: [the] corporal, purificator, and pall touch the Body of Christ.

And then other details you may not know: It's required by Church law that the inside of the chalice must be gilded with gold. Not silver or brass. It has to be the highest quality metal on the face of the earth to hold the Precious Blood. And same with the surface of the paten. It must be gilded gold. Now the outside of the chalice can be silver and studded with gems. The bottom of the paten can be silver or brass. But what touches Christ's body is required by Church law for centuries to be gold. And that goes back to the very early centuries as well.

So, and many other details such as all the genuflections, the priest holding his fingers this way at Mass, the bows, all of it taken as a whole is adoration and reverence to the real presence of Christ. You'll notice in the New Mass all that is obliterated. Because Archbishop Bugnini who wrote the New Mass, he said “There's been too much focus on the real Presence. That's a corruption since the Council of Trent. We have to focus more on the presence of Jesus in our brothers and sisters in the pews.” So, you have the New Mass: The priest facing the people; You give the sign of peace; You kiss each other and hug each other and act like idiots; Make the Mass a social club instead of the Mount Calvary. And that's what they've done to the Mass.

So the Dialogue Mass was a preparation for the New Mass. That's why you shouldn't have the Dialogue Mass. I know that's a huge argument because Pope Pius XII approved it. I won't get into that here. But just to say, everybody responding instead of just the altar boys, it's an obvious preparation for the New Mass.

So, dear flock here in Chicago, hold fast to the Faith. Love the Holy Name of Jesus.

The Holy Name of Jesus, so powerful. We want to die with His Name on our lips. Say the Name of Jesus when we're dying. Because when you're dying, if you have that grace to have all the Sacraments and final blessing, it says in the Roman Ritual, the priest should urge the dying soul “say the Name of Jesus. Jesus Mary. Jesus Mary, or St. Joseph.”

Because when you're dying, you're too weak. They can't speak sometimes. So they can at least try to say the Name of Jesus. What a happiness to die with His Name on our lips. So we should strive for that. To say His Name reverently and Mary every day. And have a great reverence for their Holy Names. Even the devils can't stand the Name of Jesus. That's why they love to stir up blasphemy. To make people blaspheme the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, love the Name of Jesus. And that's this feast today.

And tomorrow, the beautiful feast, first class of the double is the double of the first class, the Epiphany. When the Three Kings will come from far and adore the Christ Child. Thirteen days after Christmas.

So we'll talk about that tomorrow morning. And now, for now, let's go to our Lord Jesus Christ who will come down from heaven on this altar.

One time on the airplane, I was getting on the plane and this little boy said, “What do you do?” Because I'm dressed as a priest. And I said, “Well, I'm a priest.” And he says, “What do you do?” And I say, “I call down God from heaven to earth.” “Wow. Mom, did you hear that?”

And it's true. That's what's going to happen here soon. That's what a priest does. [He] calls down God from heaven to earth. This altar becomes Bethlehem. And we're like the shepherds to adore Him and the happiness to receive Him.

So receive Him with great love, adoration, and beg our Lord when you receive Him in Communion. “Heal my soul of all my sins. Wash away my sins in purgatory time”, which Communion does, “Increase in me a great love for thee, Lord. Blessed mother, sweet, Sorrowful Heart of Mary, give me a great love, a burning love for thy son, Jesus Christ the King. And give me such a love that this is a token of heaven.”

When you receive Communion, it's a pledge of the future glory to come. “Because he who eats My Flesh shall not taste death forever, but you will have everlasting life.” It's a promise of our Lord.  That's the power of the Holy Eucharist. It is His arms coming down and picking you up to heaven, as it were. And the only difference between the sacred Mass here on earth, the liturgy on earth here, and the liturgy of heaven, is: vision.

That's the only difference. In Heaven, you see all the angels in the glory of the Holy Trinity. On earth, it's veiled in the Eucharistic species. But the angels are here, the Holy Trinity will be here soon on the altar, and the blinding light of Christ and the glory of God shines. So let's ask His light to burn off our sins, burn off purgatory time, and inflame us to love our Lord more like the Three Kings, to seek His Face always.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

And for all Communists and Freemasons and other enemies of Holy Mother Church, Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - January 5, 2025 - by Stone - 2 hours ago

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