Frs. Hewko & Ruiz: The Silence of the Shepherds [Joint Statement - July 1, 2023]
This recent newsletter of Fr. Hewko's is an excellent addendum to the above Doctrinal Statement:

Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC Newsletter

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Summer 2023

Dear Friends of the Cross!

We have to build while the others are demolishing,” preached Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. How we long for a good Pope in Rome! How we long for bishops to stand fearlessly for the integral Catholic Faith, as Abp. Lefebvre did! Bishops who are not compromising with Vatican II, the New Profession of Faith, the new Sacraments, the New Code of Canon Law, and the New Mass! How we long for a resurgence of the Catholic Faith of Tradition in Rome and the Social Reign of the Heart of Jesus in every nation! “Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven!

In the ongoing Battle, there’s not a single priest of the Catholic Resistance who desires to be “independent,” working without a bishop and laboring totally on his own. This is abnormal and undesirable for any Catholic, let alone the priest. But, when Conciliar Rome slipped into apostasy after the Second Vatican Council, did Abp. Lefebvre expect to be found standing alone, “rogue,” “disobedient,” “dissident”? Far from it! Did all those priests expelled by their bishops in the 1960’s and 70’s for refusing the New Mass and filthy Catechisms desire to be “independent” and “on their own”? Far from it!

But when the authorities abandon their duties and abuse their position by inflicting unjust punishments and try to coerce their subjects to accept compromises against the Catholic Faith, then they have no choice but to prudently separate themselves from these abusers and continue feeding the flock and fight for the Faith. This was the wise advice of Abp. Lefebvre: “It is a strict duty of every priest who wishes to remain Catholic, to separate himself from this Conciliar Church.” (Spiritual Journey, Abp. Lefebvre, p.13). If this applies to Roman authorities imposing Vatican II and the New Mass on their subjects, the same applies for those bishops demanding compromise, however slight it may be, with Vatican II and the New Mass as a matter of obedience.

Thus, every single priest of the Society of St. Pius X has been in the position of having to make a choice, since 2012. Either, he conforms to the new doctrinal direction which accepts that Vatican II can “enlighten and deepen the understanding of Tradition” and that the New Mass and New Sacraments are “legitimately promulgated”, or he resists this abuse of authority and is consequently silenced or cast out as a rebel. Unfortunately, most priests conformed to the new orientation since 2012, as did thousands of clergy and religious after the Second Vatican Council, in the 1960’s and 70’s.

The same applies to bishops of the False Resistance who give the appearance of standing with Abp. Lefebvre, but insist on the following: that the New Mass “miracles” be believed; the New Mass can give grace and nourish your Faith; that “it's not the time for seminaries, structure and organization;” that the Faith can be taught in silence; and that the true Catholic Resistance is nothing more than disgruntled “Resistants,” who must put away the “toys” of expecting a Catholic resurgence in the pattern of Abp. Lefebvre. These positions are in direct opposition to everything the Archbishop stood for! These bishops do not represent the true Catholic Resistance! They are not the Catholic Resistance! They admit this fact out of their own mouths!

On the contrary, Abp. Lefebvre condemned the New Mass and the errors of Vatican II, in no uncertain terms! He insisted the New Mass is sterile and cannot nourish one’s Faith but rather erodes it! He energetically defended the urgent need for seminaries and founded five of them throughout the world, himself! He established veritable oases of structure and organization in the retreat houses, parishes, missions, schools, universities and convents he founded! He did not restrict his preaching and letters to his chosen few hidden “under a bushel,” but fearlessly preached the Faith and wrote letters to the Popes and the entire world! He called for the crusade of the large family, the generous sacrifices of seminarians, sisters, brothers, and priests to rebuild the Church! Even in his eighties, he traveled the world strengthening the Faith and administering Confirmation to thousands!

Some may object: “You can’t expect everyone to be an Abp. Lefebvre, he was unique and it's unrealistic to expect his bishops to do the same!” This is true, if one speaks of his gentlemanly meekness, his sanctity, and fruitful apostolate as a missionary in Africa. No one can easily match such greatness, sanctity and experience. But the duty of publicly preaching the integral Catholic Faith was imposed by Christ Himself on all the bishops of the Church! “Go, Preach to all nations!” The duty of publicly condemning heresy, scandals against the Faith, compromise, and error are commanded by the Divine Savior Himself! If they fail to do so, He will require the blood of the stray sheep at their hands! (Ezekiel 3:18).

So when it is said: “You Resistance priests are independent, you have no bishop. You are rebels!” What can we say but: “Please show us even one bishop who is not compromising with Vatican II and the New Mass. Please point out one that openly condemns heresy and error and never compromises with it. Please give the information to contact one who stands with the unchanging Magisterium of the Church, like Abp. Lefebvre, but also openly opposes the public scandals of the Modernist Popes, prelates, and Conciliar Magisterium.” Indeed, it should be his spiritual sons, whom he consecrated, who ought to be doing these things. But unfortunately, every one of them has compromised with Vatican II and the New Mass in some way, since 2012, even if by silence. [N.B: The Thuc or De Costa line bishops are dubious and out of the question].

“But you expect perfect bishops and that’s unrealistic, not all bishops in history have been saints.” That is true, not many have been saints. In fact, “Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops,” said St. John Chrysostom! The Novus Ordo bishops may have some excuse due to their lack of formation, ignorance and modernist training.

But the sons of Abp. Lefebvre have no excuse! He formed his seminarians in the good soil of Tradition and in the solidity of the counter-Revolution. They were watered in the sound doctrine of the anti-Liberal Popes and their roots struck deeply in the life of prayer and spirituality of Holy Mother Church. So to expect the same anti-Liberal position from them should be no surprise. What is surprising is their lack of it!

Abp. Lefebvre once said that the faithful have a right to know where their priests stand. They have a right to hear sound doctrine in their preaching and to know that their priests are not evolutionists, ecumenical, modernists or compromisers with Vatican II and the New Mass. The same holds for the bishops.

This is not a call for condemning anyone nor of overly-scrutinizing the least mistake of the authorities, but rather an appeal for all to pray and do penance for them. We must beg the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for Rome to return to Tradition and our bishops and clergy come back to where they once stood, by publicly maintaining the doctrinal position of Abp. Lefebvre. He not only said, but did the Truth. Abp. Lefebvre was a pattern for all shepherds to imitate. He was one that Pope St. Pius X would have unhesitatingly canonized as a model for all clergy. The Archbishop is still a true model, but not the false caricature often portrayed of him as the ever smiling, meek and gentle bishop, to the exclusion of his other side which included his iron fist, the episcopal lion that roared the Truth, and the boxer for the defense of Catholic Tradition, that he truly was!

“Prudent as a serpent, but simple as a dove” defines his character and wisdom. So, if we find ourselves out in the cold, let us at least be found standing by the Sorrowful Mother at the foot of the Cross! The first Pope and bishops fled away in that hour, but She remained with Her Divine Son, strong in Faith, like an immovable pillar, knowing without hesitation that the day of the Resurrection would come. May She inflame us with love for Jesus Crucified and an unshakeable hope that God will grant us, once again, Popes and bishops who will lead and feed the flock! “The gates of Hell shall not prevail!

In Christ the King,

Fr. David Hewko
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Frs. Hewko & Ruiz: The Silence of the Shepherds [Joint Statement - July 1, 2023] - by Stone - 07-14-2023, 05:50 AM

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