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  Oratory Conference: Pope Leo XIII Blasts the Lodges - March 11, 2025
Posted by: Deus Vult - 4 hours ago - Forum: Fr. Hewko's Sermons, Catechisms, & Conferences - No Replies

Pope Leo XIII Blasts the Lodges
March 11, 2025  (NH)

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  Fr. Hewko Catechism: Actual Sin - March 11, 2025
Posted by: Deus Vult - 5 hours ago - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Catechism: Actual Sin
March 11, 2025  (NH)

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  The Catholic Trumpet: Fighting With Supernatural Hope
Posted by: Stone - Yesterday, 08:02 AM - Forum: The Catholic Trumpet - No Replies

Fighting With Supernatural Hope | Channel Update

The Catholic Trumpet [adapted and reformatted] | March 8, 2025

The battle for the Church is not just about exposing modernism—it is about fighting with supernatural hope.

We live in a time of Great Apostasy, the very eclipse of the Church foretold by Our Lady of La Salette:

“Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”

Supernatural faith must lead. Confidence in God’s providence must sustain us.

Our mission is unchanged, but sharpened:

• By the grace of God we will expose modernist treachery, but we will not be consumed by it.

• We will fight for the restoration of the Church, but we will do so with hope, not reactionary blindness.

• We will stand with Christ the King, knowing that His victory is assured.

As Father Denis Fahey warned:

“If we do not fight for Christ’s Kingship, we will be absorbed by the anti-Christian forces.” (The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism)

Stand with Christ. Stand with Tradition.

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  Satanist group allowed to hold ‘black mass’ inside Kansas state capitol
Posted by: Stone - Yesterday, 07:36 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Satanist group allowed to hold ‘black mass’ inside Kansas state capitol
The Satanic Grotto plans to ‘indulg(e) in sacrilegious blasphemy’ of God during a ritual that has been approved to take place in the Kansas state capitol.

[Image: shutterstock_325609811-810x500.jpg]

Mar 10, 2025
(LifeSiteNews) — A “black mass” is planned to dedicate the Kansas legislature “to the glory of Satan” inside the state capitol on March 28.

“We will be performing rites to the Black Mass and indulging in sacrilegious blaspheme (sic),” The Satanic Grotto wrote on a Facebook event page. “God will fall and Kansas will be embraced by the black flame of Lucifer.”

Michael Stewart, a leader of the independent satanic group, posted to the event page a copy of a letter from the Kansas Capitol Events Coordinator addressed to him, stating, “Your request for the Satanic Grotto is approved. The Capitol Dedication to Satan will be held on Friday, March 28, 2025, from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. in the SH 1st floor Rotunda at the NE Quad.”

State Senator Stephen Owens condemned the event in a statement as “hideous and terrible” but asserted that it must be allowed to take place as a first amendment right.

“Religious groups from various backgrounds come to the Capitol on a regular basis to preach, pray, and display. We cannot discriminate because we disagree,” wrote Owens, espousing an ideal of religious liberty that is ultimately masonic and anti-Catholic.

Black masses mock the Catholic Sacrifice of the Mass and often involve the desecration of a consecrated host — the Eucharist — that Catholics understand to be the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. One satanic group admitted in 2019 to defiling the Eucharist during a black mass, boasting, “the consecrated host was defiled, destroyed, and swept into the trash where it belongs.”

Consecrated hosts must be stolen from a Catholic Church, and such theft is made significantly easier by widespread reception of Holy Communion in the hand, as opposed to kneeling and receiving on the tongue.

The Kansas Catholic Conference of Bishops issued a statement on Thursday decrying the planned sacrilegious “mass” and announcing that they are exploring “spiritual and legal responses” to the event.

“If true, this explicit demonstration of anti-Catholic bigotry will be an insult to not only Catholics but all people of goodwill,” the bishops wrote in a statement dated March 6 and shared to their Facebook page.

“The Catholic bishops of Kansas ask that, first and foremost, we pray for the conversion of those taking part in this event, as well as each person’s own conversion of heart during this sacred season of Lent.”

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP), a traditional Catholic group, has launched a petition urging Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly to cancel the blasphemous event. A prayer rally outside the Capitol is also being planned to make reparation for the event as it occurs.

The time and precise location of the rally will be announced once the TFP receives a permit, the group shared.

John Horvat, American TFP vice president and a Kansas native, has voiced his outrage that a state building is being “used to host such a heinous blasphemy.”

“This is not just an offense against God but an attack on the very moral fabric of our state and nation. I urge all God-fearing Americans to take a stand — join us in peaceful protest, sign the petition, and offer prayers of reparation. Now is the time to defend our faith and reject this public affront to God,” Horvat said in a statement.

In Tours, France, in the 1840s, Carmelite Sister Mary of St. Peter received a series of private revelations from Our Lord that contained a remedy for the principal evils of modern times, including blasphemy, which she said “wounds His divine Heart more grievously than all other sins.”

Christ revealed to her the Golden Arrow prayer, to be recited in reparation for blasphemy:
Quote:May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored, and glorified in heaven, on earth, and in the hells, by all the creatures of God and by the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.

Stewart has shared on his social media, where he is known as “The Devil of Kansas,” that The Satanic Grotto utilizes techniques advocated by Saul Alinsky in his infamous book Rules for Radicals. Instagram posts show the group enjoys harassing pro-life demonstrators, burning Christian symbols, and simulating the bloody butchering of babies.

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  Opinion: Will the Next Conclave ... ?
Posted by: Stone - Yesterday, 07:27 AM - Forum: General Commentary - Replies (1)

Will the Next Conclave Produce a Pope for the Catholic Church, or Just a Heretical Bishop of Rome for the Synodal Church?

[Image: 5a2cf6911a149926c5656ca7803a27ef_L.jpg]

Robert Morrison, Remnant Columnist | March 7, 2025

The health of Pope Francis has been the subject of much debate, but as of March 6th the official Vatican report stated that the Pope's “condition has remained stable compared to previous days. Today as well, he has not experienced any episodes of respiratory insufficiency... The doctors still maintain a reserved prognosis.” Still, the thoughts of many are turning toward the next conclave.

With the strong possibility that we may have a papal conclave in the near future, many serious Catholics are contemplating the prospect of an openly heretical cardinal being elected to replace Francis. As disastrous as Francis’s hostile occupation of the papacy has been, at least it seems that many of the cardinals at the 2013 conclave might not have known he was a heretic. This would probably not be the case at the next conclave: if Francis’s allies succeed in advancing a man cut from the same heretical, anti-Catholic cloth, everyone will have a fairly good sense of how catastrophic it will be.

If that happens, it seems that we will face something far worse than the mere continuation of a disastrous status quo. All throughout salvation history, and in every aspect of our spiritual lives, we see that God judges us based on whether or not we know the moral consequences of our actions. We deserve far worse punishments when we commit evil with full knowledge of how much it offends God. Viewed from that perspective, the greatest threat to all of us is not the war in Ukraine or the tension in the Middle East, but the possibility that the College of Cardinals will tempt and mock God by electing a public heretic to the papacy.

God’s wrath would be even more certain and justified given the fact that for twelve years we have been told that we must accept Francis as pope because (a) the Church “universally accepted him” after his election, and (b) even though he is a manifest heretic, there is no settled process to declare him an anti-pope and elect another pope. Many serious Catholics doubt these explanations, but if they are valid the only way to avoid a heretical pope is to refuse to accept his election.

For this reason, the central message from Bishop Joseph Strickland’s recent letter to the College of Cardinals appears to be absolutely vital:
Quote:“If a public heretic, or a man who is reasonably suspected of being a public heretic, receives sufficient votes, faithful cardinals have an obligation to refuse to accept the validity of his election.”

The remaining faithful cardinals have an obligation to refuse to accept the validity of the election of a public heretic. They are the shepherds who must protect the world from the ravening wolves, even if they are far outnumbered by the wolves.

Faithful cardinals have an obligation to refuse to accept the validity of the election of a public heretic. They are the shepherds who must protect the world from the ravening wolves, even if they are far outnumbered by the wolves.

If the remaining faithful cardinals were to refuse to accept the validity of the election of a public heretic, one of two possible scenarios would presumably emerge: (a) the faithful cardinals would proceed to elect a Catholic pope, chosen from among those who rejected the heretical pope, or (b) the cardinals would merely protest without taking the logical step of electing a true pope. Given the nonsensical nature of the latter option, surely the rejection of a heretical pope would result in two men claiming the papacy: a heretical anti-pope for the Synodal Church, and a Catholic pope for the Catholic Church.

Even though the prospect of a Catholic pope for the Catholic Church seems like an obvious blessing, it is worth addressing a few potential objections:

Would the Catholic pope be universally accepted by the Church? If we are considering the total population of over a billion people who identify as Catholic, the answer is surely “no” because most nominal Catholics would likely accept the heretical anti-pope. But if we were to divide the population of those who identity as Catholic into two categories — (a) those who actually believe what the Church teaches, and (b) heretics — we would presumably find that most actual Catholics would be inclined to accept the Catholic pope.
Shouldn’t the cardinals allow the Holy Ghost to guide the Church through the conclave? Some might argue that the Holy Ghost will protect the ordinary conclave process, so any refusal to accept its outcome would be against God’s will. This argument might have made much more sense were it not for the experience of the past twelve years. As it is, though, Francis’s openly anti-Catholic reign appears to conclusively demonstrate that God is not pleased by our tacit acceptance of heretics as successors of St. Peter. Rather, it seems that the Holy Ghost’s protection today consists at least in part in making it clear that many cardinals are public heretics, whose election to the papacy would need to be rejected.

Aren’t schisms among the greatest evils? To be in schism from the Catholic Church would of course be a great evil. At present, though, the hierarchy in Rome is effectively in schism from the actual Catholic Church as represented by the timeless beliefs and practices of the Mystical Body of Christ. There is also a sense in which the true Catholic Church is being held captive by the heretical Synodal Church. So, although non-Catholics might mistakenly view the truly Catholic pope and his followers as schismatics, the reality would be far different: the new Catholic pope would be liberating the Catholic Church from the schismatic Synodal Church led by the heretical pope.

Could any cardinal unite all serious Catholics? Even though several cardinals have stood strongly against the abuses from Francis, some Traditional Catholics appear to have given up on the entire College of Cardinals. Here, though, we should think about three broad categories of cardinals who would vote in the conclave: (a) those who truly seek to destroy the Church; (b) those who do not seek to destroy the Church but accept the Modernist heresy that the Faith can evolve to contradict what it once was; and © those who do not seek to destroy the Church and reject the Modernist heresy that the Faith can evolve to contradict what it once was. Although the relatively small number of cardinals in this latter group are not as strong as we would like on all issues, they are at least Catholic. And, if the faithful cardinals can cooperate with God’s grace to ensure we have a true pope at the end of the conclave, we can trust and pray that God will guide him to unite all serious Catholics.

Wouldn’t such a scenario cause tremendous chaos and turmoil? Those who have witnessed what has taken place since Vatican II, and especially during Francis’s occupation of the papacy, have seen little other than chaos and turmoil from Rome. The single greatest contributor to this chaos and turmoil has been the divorce between immutable Catholic truth and the authority of the papacy. Once we understand this fundamental reality, it should be clear that we need a truly Catholic pope to restore order in the spiritual realm. Far from causing chaos and turmoil, the election of a truly Catholic pope — even if he is opposed by the heretics — appears to be the surest path to reducing the chaos and turmoil all around us.

Given these considerations, it seems evident that the remaining faithful cardinals should enter the next conclave fully intending to elect a truly Catholic pope. If this happens because a Catholic cardinal receives two-thirds of the votes, Deo Gratias! If this happens because the faithful cardinals reject a heretic who has received two-thirds of the votes and then proceed to elect a true pope, Deo Gratias! Heaven help us, though, if the next conclave produces only a heretical claimant to the papacy. If the cardinals tempt God in that way, we will surely find out that God will not be mocked.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

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  Oratory Conference: St. Athanasius Against the World - March 8, 2025
Posted by: Deus Vult - 03-10-2025, 07:55 PM - Forum: Fr. Hewko's Sermons, Catechisms, & Conferences - No Replies

 St. Athanasius Against the World
March 8, 2025  (NH)

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  Fr. Hewko Catechism: Adam Created in God's Image March 8, 2025
Posted by: Deus Vult - 03-10-2025, 07:48 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Adam Created in God's Image 
March 8, 2025  (NH)

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  Fr. Hewko's Catechism: Fall of Adam & Eve - March 10, 2025
Posted by: Deus Vult - 03-10-2025, 06:12 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Catechism Fall of Adam & Eve
March 10, 2025  (NH)

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  Fr. Hewko: Catechism - Nine Choirs of Angels March 7, 2025 (NH)
Posted by: Deus Vult - 03-08-2025, 08:49 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Catechism - Nine Choirs of Angels
March 7, 2025 (NH)

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  Oratory Conference: Ultimate Goal: Destroy the Catholic Church - March 7, 2025
Posted by: SAguide - 03-08-2025, 08:43 PM - Forum: Fr. Hewko's Sermons, Catechisms, & Conferences - No Replies

Freemasonry's Ultimate Goal: Destroy the Catholic Church 
March 7, 2025 (NH)

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  Oratory Conference: "Liturgical 'Experts' Replace Christ With Man" March 6, 2025
Posted by: SAguide - 03-08-2025, 08:29 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

 "Liturgical 'Experts' Replace Christ With Man"
March 6, 2025  (NH)

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  The Catholic Trumpet: The Latin Vulgate - The Sole Authentic Bible
Posted by: Stone - 03-08-2025, 08:25 AM - Forum: The Catholic Trumpet - No Replies

The Latin Vulgate: The Sole Authentic Bible

[Image: rs=w:1280]

The Council of Trent (1545–1563), specifically Session IV (April 8, 1546), which issued the infallible decree on the Canon of Scripture and the Latin Vulgate.

The Catholic Trumpet [Slightly adapted and reformatted, emphasis mine.] | March 6, 2025

"Understanding this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation." (2 Peter 1:20, Douay-Rheims Bible)

Lent has begun, and many of our readers and subscribers will be turning to their Bibles for spiritual nourishment. Given the crisis in the Church, it is critical that Catholics arm themselves with the true, unaltered Word of God. But which Bible should they read?

•The Latin Vulgate is the official and infallibly declared text of the Catholic Church.

•The Douay-Rheims is the only faithful English translation of the Latin Vulgate.

Today, even so-called "traditional" Catholic apologists rely on modernist Bibles drawn from Protestant and Jewish corruptions, betraying the very faith they claim to defend. This confusion did not arise by accident. In 1969, Paul VI’s Nova Vulgata poisoned the Church’s official Bible, abandoning the Vulgate’s purity in favor of Masoretic distortions and modernist textual criticism—an outright defiance of Trent’s infallible decree that the Vulgate alone is authentic Scripture.

Pope Pius XII reaffirmed this truth, stating that the continuous use of the Vulgate in the Church for many centuries proved it to be “free from any error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals” (Divino Afflante Spiritu, §21).

What follows is not our opinion or speculation. We have done nothing special—we have simply compiled the teachings of the Church, the decrees of her Councils, and the irrefutable facts of history. Every Catholic must know the truth: there is only one authentic Bible, and it is the Douay-Rheims, based on the Latin Vulgate.

As we enter Lent, let us arm ourselves with the true Word of God, reject every modernist counterfeit, and hold fast to the only authentic Bible—the Douay-Rheims, the unaltered Word entrusted to the Catholic Church alone.


"The Church has always held the Latin Vulgate as authentic. But the heretics, following their own spirit, twist the Scriptures to their own destruction."
— Pope Clement VIII, Cum Sacrorum (1592)



The Old Testament is written in Hebrew and some Aramaic, consisting of the Law, Prophets, and Writings.
These original texts were not identical to the later Masoretic Text, which was deliberately altered after Christ.


Seventy-two Jewish scholars in Alexandria translate the Old Testament into Greek for the growing Jewish diaspora.

Includes the Deuterocanonical books (Wisdom, Sirach, Tobit, Judith, Baruch, I and II Maccabees, and additional parts of Daniel and Esther).

This is the version quoted by Christ and the Apostles in the New Testament.

Proof: Christ Himself Uses the Septuagint, Not the Masoretic Text

Luke iv. 18 – Christ reads from Isaias, but His quotation only matches the Septuagint, not the Masoretic Text.
Acts vii. 14 – St. Stephen quotes seventy-five souls entering Egypt (Septuagint), whereas the Masoretic falsely says seventy.

The Septuagint is the true Old Testament used by Christ and the Apostles.


The Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Apocalypse (Revelation) are written in Greek, fully inspired by the Holy Ghost.
These writings belong exclusively to the Catholic Church—not Protestants, not Jews, not heretics.

Proof: Scripture Declares That the Church, Not the Bible, Has Authority

"The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth." (I Timothy iii. 15)

The Bible was given to the Catholic Church, not private individuals.



Pope Damasus I, at the Council of Rome, issues the first authoritative canon of Scripture.

This canon is later upheld by:

Council of Hippo (A.D. 393)
Council of Carthage (A.D. 397)
Council of Florence (A.D. 1442)
Council of Trent (A.D. 1546)

The Catholic Church alone determines the canon.


St. Jerome translates the Bible into Latin, using the Septuagint and Hebrew texts.
He initially doubts the Deuterocanonical books but ultimately submits to Church authority.
The Latin Vulgate becomes the official Bible of the Catholic Church.

Proof: The Council of Trent Later Confirms the Latin Vulgate as the Sole Authentic Scripture

"If anyone rejects the books of the Latin Vulgate as not authentic, let him be anathema." (Council of Trent, Session IV)

The Latin Vulgate is the only true Catholic Bible.



Jewish scribes systematically alter the Old Testament to remove references to Christ.

1. Psalm xxi. 16 – The Pierced Hands and Feet


• “They have pierced my hands and my feet.”

• This is a Messianic prophecy directly fulfilled in Christ’s Crucifixion (John 20:27). The piercing of Christ’s hands and feet is a key detail of His Passion, confirming His role as the Suffering Servant.

Masoretic Text:

• “Like a lion are my hands and my feet.”

• A deliberate distortion—there is no reference to Christ’s Crucifixion. This alteration obscures the prophecy’s fulfillment in Jesus Christ and removes the Messianic context altogether.

• Deliberate distortion aimed at removing Christ from the prophecy, as it was too clearly fulfilled in the Crucifixion.

The Septuagint/Vulgate preserves the Messianic prophecy pointing to Christ’s Crucifixion, while the Masoretic Text distorts it to remove Christ as the fulfillment.

2. Daniel ix. 24-27 – The Prophetic Timing of Christ’s Arrival


• The prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 provides a clear timeline for the arrival of the Messiah and details His ministry and suffering.

• The Vulgate faithfully preserves this prophetic timeline, marking the exact time of Christ’s Passion and pointing directly to Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the prophecy.

Masoretic Text:

• The Masoretic Text removes the clear reference to the Messiah’s timing and obscures the prophecy. The passage becomes vague and non-specific, no longer pointing clearly to Christ.

• The Masoretic Text distorts the prophetic fulfillment, making it difficult to connect the prophecy to the coming of Christ.

The Septuagint/Vulgate maintains the original, precise timeline pointing to Christ’s arrival and ministry, while the Masoretic Text distorts the prophecy, removing Christ’s clear identity.

The Masoretic Text: A Post-Christian Corruption of the Old Testament

The Masoretic Text is a post-Christian distortion of the Old Testament Scriptures. After the time of Christ, Jewish scholars altered key passages to remove references to Christ as the Messiah and Savior. These changes, particularly in Psalm xxi and Daniel 9, show evidence of a deliberate effort to obscure Messianic prophecy in order to deny Jesus Christ’s fulfillment of these prophecies.

In contrast, the Septuagint/Vulgate remains the true and faithful transmission of the Old Testament, as it was translated centuries before Christ and preserves the original Messianic intent that points directly to Christ’s coming, death, and resurrection.


Erasmus, a Catholic humanist, compiles a Greek New Testament but relies on late Byzantine manuscripts.
Later, Luther, Calvin, and Protestants misuse this text to attack Catholic doctrine.

The Protestant Reformation was built on a man-made, incomplete biblical text.


Luther removes Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), Baruch, I and II Maccabees.
He adds the word “alone” to Romans iii. 28 to justify his doctrine of sola fide.

The Protestant Reformation was a deliberate attack on Sacred Scripture.



The original 1611 KJV included the Deuterocanonical books.
Protestants later removed them in 1885, proving that their rejection was not part of the Reformation.

Protestant Bibles are man-made distortions.


These Anglican modernists favor Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, leading to doctrinal omissions in Protestant Bibles.

Modern Protestant Bibles (RSV, NIV, ESV) are built on false manuscripts.



The Vatican issues a new “Vulgate” which incorporates Masoretic readings, contradicting Trent.

Vatican II’s new “Bibles” are modernist distortions.


The Masoretic Text is a Jewish corruption.
The Textus Receptus is a man-made Protestant compilation.
The KJV, NIV, ESV, RSV, and all modern Bibles are heretical distortions.
The Vatican II Church betrayed Trent by adopting modernist Bible translations.

Only the Latin Vulgate, declared authentic by the Church, contains the infallible Word of God, and the Douay-Rheims is the only true English translation of it.

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  Mary, the Heiress of the Merits of Christ
Posted by: Stone - 03-08-2025, 08:12 AM - Forum: Our Lady - No Replies

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  The Promises of Our Lady of Sorrows
Posted by: Stone - 03-08-2025, 08:10 AM - Forum: Our Lady - No Replies

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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: First Sunday of Lent - March 9, 2025
Posted by: Stone - 03-07-2025, 09:53 AM - Forum: March 2025 - No Replies

Mass for the First Sunday of Lent - March 9, 2025
“I Will Deliver Him & Glorify Him” (NH)


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